Julie Carter, PhD, EdM

Department of Educational Affairs
Assistant Dean of Academics and Partnerships


I have spent my career as an educator, from secondary school classrooms through graduate teacher education. My professional focus has been in the field of educational equity with a particular emphasis on preparing culturally competent urban teachers. I have served as an Associate Professor of Adolescent Education at St. John’s University in Queens, NY, Director of the Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages program at D’Youville College, and most recently Lecturer in Social and Psychological Foundations at Buffalo State University.

My curriculum and professional development projects have always emphasized collaboration with community partners and a focus on culturally and linguistically relevant pedagogy as the basis of transformative and supportive academic experiences. I look forward to my work here at Roswell Park, which will create watershed STEM programs for K-16 (elementary through college) students. I hope young people will come and experience cancer science as accessible and, as a result, consider a career in a biomedical field. I look forward to helping showcase the innovative work happening at Roswell Park in ways that are “hands-on” and even fun. These programs are one means of lighting a spark of curiosity and passion in tomorrow’s biomedical workforce.


Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center

  • Assistant Dean of Academics and Partnerships
  • Department of Educational Affairs


Education and Training

  • 2005 - PhD - Social Foundations of Education, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY
  • Ed.M. - Educational Foundations, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY

Honors & Awards

  • 2017 - Critic's Choice Book Award, American Educational Studies Association


Carter, J. & Lochte, H. (Eds.) (2017). Teacher Performance Assessment and Accountability Reforms: The Impacts of edTPA on Teaching and Schools New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Carter, J & Lochte, H. (2017) “Teacher blame and corporate gain: edTPA and the takeover of teacher education” In J. Carter & H. Lochte Teacher Performance Assessment and Accountability Reforms: The Impacts of edTPA on Teaching and Schools New York: Palgrave Macmillan

Carter, J. (2012). Critical incidents in social foundations: Reflecting on theory, connecting to practice, in Brett Blake and Robert Blake Becoming a teacher: Using narrative as reflective practice. A cross-disciplinary approach, pp. 153-167. New York: Peter Lang. Book Chapter.

Johnson, L., Carter, J. & Finn, M. (2011). “Parent empowerment through organizing for collective action” in Catherine Hands and Lea Hubbard Including Families and Communities in Urban Education, Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishers

Carter, J. & Keiler, L. (2009). Alternatively certified teachers in urban small schools: Where policy reform meets the road. The Urban Review, 41(5):437-460.

Carter, J. (2008). On the path to becoming “highly qualified: New teachers talk about the relevancy of social foundations.” Educational Studies, 44(3): 222-246.