Every volunteer impacts the life of a cancer patient and plays a vital role in maintaining the Institute's unconditional commitment to quality patient care.
Whether you are 15 or 84, a high school student or a student of life, male or female, working or retired, you have what it takes to become an invaluable part of the Roswell Park team. All that's required is a few hours of your time and a willingness to help.
If you would like to learn more about volunteering and making a difference at Roswell Park, contact the Volunteer office at 716-845-5708 or download and complete the Roswell Park Volunteer Application Form.
Download the Volunteer Application Form
Online scheduling
View, manage and print your volunteer schedule through VicNet, Roswell Park's volunteer information center.
Go nowPlacement opportunities
Volunteers are needed throughout the hospital including the Gift Shop, Hospitality Room and Chapel. Volunteers also travel to waiting areas with craft and coffee carts.
Learn more