What we do


The Biomedical Research Informatics Shared Resource (BRISR) provides consultations and services for investigators and study teams in the areas of clinical research, informatics, and data science. BRISR helps researchers harness internal and external data resources and provide informatics-driven solutions for clinical and translational research at Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center. 

We offer the infrastructure and processes to establish and monitor data standards, quality, integration and distribution across Roswell Park and aim to make research findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (FAIR). Additionally, BRISR offers educational and training opportunities. We provide services in three main areas: (1) Clinical data management and delivery for research, (2) Custom software development for research, and (3) Artificial intelligence analysis for clinical and bioinformatics research.

Clinical data management and delivery for research

Clinical Data Management and Delivery for Research: We provide structured access to real-time reliable clinical data for the advancement of non-interventional studies at Roswell Park. Data is delivered in a HIPAA-compliant manner and we ensure that all regulations and data safety standards are met to ensure our patient’s privacy. The BRISR team also works closely with Roswell Park biobanks to annotate biospecimens and facilitate the process for patient cohort identification and case selections. Our access to detailed clinical data can be paired with biospecimens from the Biorepository and Laboratory Services (BLS) Shared Resource while supporting the data needs for investigators working in preclinical subject research efforts.

Specific services we offer:

  • Clinical data requests
  • Cohort selection
  • REDCap survey/data design
  • Honest Broker services
  • Grant application support
  • Data standardization and harmonization

Custom Software Development for Research

We work with researchers to develop and implement custom tools and databases to streamline the collection, organization, validation, analysis, and visualization of data. This allows for streamlined processes that aid in the advancement of scientific understanding or efficiency. We also work with Research IT to develop computational platforms to support the broader institutional goals. Examples include the international Stacey Scott Lung Cancer Registry database, the nSight platform for searching the de-identified clinical data at Roswell Park, the REVEAL project for parsing and querying pathology reports, and the VisPortal for visualizing Roswell Park single-cell genomics data.

Artificial intelligence analysis for clinical and bioinformatics research

We provide collaborative research consultations and services for machine and deep learning solutions for clinical and bioinformatics research. Our goal is to develop through team science artificial intelligence and high throughput computational methods that elevate Roswell Park’s research programs and provide meaningful clinical and biological insights. Our staff is trained in statistical and computational artificial intelligence and can provide insights into cutting-edge methodology.

Clinical data available for researchers:

  • Cancer registry: Tumors diagnosed and treated here at Roswell Park are kept in a registry, providing access to basic tumor information, treatment and first recurrence details.
  • Electronic health record: Includes drug treatment at Roswell Park, patient vitals (height, weight, BMI, blood pressure, etc), visits, orders (scans, scopes, tests, etc.), comorbidities and family history.
  • Finance database: Billing data which helps to identify procedures, treatments and other information for each patient.
  • Cerner lab results: Information from blood and other laboratory tests completed at Roswell Park such as urinalysis and cultures.
  • OmniSeq and Foundation Medicine results: Outcomes from all clinically ordered panels such as the OmniSeq Comprehensive Panel and the Immune Report Card.

Software and informatics tools


REDCap is a secure web application for building and managing online surveys and databases. Available to all researchers at Roswell Park by visiting: https://redcapweb.roswellpark.org


nSight™ is a web-based tool that allows Roswell users to explore/analyze various data sources to help develop research cohorts for research-ideas, related grants, study designs and publications

Frequently asked questions

Biomedical Research Informatics Shared Resource (BRISR) staff have access to an array of data sources. Please contact us to discuss your research needs and how we can help you! Here is a summary of what we currently have access to:

  • Roswell Park cancer registry data
  • Laboratory results (completed at Roswell Park)
  • Prescriptions prescribed at Roswell Park
  • Drugs administered at Roswell Park (ex. infusions)
  • Patient health issues and family history
  • Finance billing system
  • Genomic results from clinically ordered tests
  • Items ordered through the electronic heath records (ex. scans, scopes, consults, etc.)

A protocol is required for the BRISR staff to deliver clinical data for a research project. If you would like some preliminary information to determine if a project is feasible, we can give potential numbers and basic information without an approved protocol. Please contact us for more information.

Charges billed to an investigator are for cost recovery services. We charge for the effort involved in accessing, pulling and processing of the data or any services provided, with fees based on the time required to complete those services. Please contact us for a cost estimate.

Meet our team

Kelly Jans, MS
Data Management Director

Philip Whalen, MA
Software Development Director

Jessica Michnik-Rubinstein, MS
Data Analyst

Megan Wansart, MPH
Data Manager II

Tyce Schneider, BS
Data Manager I

Philippa Doherty, MS

Bryanna Globe, BA
Data Manager I

Ravi Dayani, MS

Contact us

Please contact the BRISR office at 716-845-2270 or by email at BRISR@RoswellPark.org

Sarah Mullin, PhD
Phone: 716-845-1300, x4239
Email: Sarah.Falls@RoswellPark.org

Tao Liu, PhD
Associate Director
Phone: 716-845-5034
Email: Tao.Liu@RoswellPark.org

Philip Whalen
Software Development Director
Phone: 716-845-7197
Email: Philip.Whalen@RoswellPark.org

Location & hours

Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center
Biomedical Research Informatics Shared Resource
Research Studies Center, Room 404
Elm and Carlton Streets
Buffalo, New York 14263

Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Clinical Data Delivery and Honest Broker services for this study were provided by the Biomedical Research Informatics Shared Resource, which is funded by NCI P30CA16056 and is a Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center Cancer Center Support Grant shared resource. Two copies of the publication acknowledging the core grant should also be submitted to the facility at Elm & Carlton Streets, Buffalo, NY 14263.


  • Suresh K, Lugade A, Miller A, Iyer R, Thanavala Y. Higher frequencies of GARP(+)CTLA-4(+)Foxp3(+) T regulatory cells and myeloid-derived suppressor cells in hepatocellular carcinoma patients are associated with impaired T-cell functionality. Cancer Res 2013; 73(8): 2435-2444. PMC3645275
  • Koboldt DC, Fulton RS, McLellan MD,…, Morrison CD, Gaudioso C, et al. Comprehensive molecular portraits of human breast tumors. Nature. 2012; 7418(490): 61-70. PMCID: PMC3465532
  • Hammerman PS, Lawrence MS, Voet D,…, Morrison CD, Gaudioso C, et al. Comprehensive genomic characterization of squamous cell lung cancers. Nature. 2012; 7417(489): 519-525. PMCID: PMC3466113
  • Bell D, Berchuck A, Birrer M, Chien J,…, Morrison CD, Gaudioso C, et al. Integrated genomic analyses of ovarian carcinoma. Nature. 2011; 7353(474): 609-615. PMCID: PMC3163504
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  • Zeitouni N, Paquette A, Housel J, Shi Y, Wilding G, Foster TH, Henderson B. A retrospective review of pain control by a two-step irradiance schedule during topical ALA-photodynamic therapy of non-melanoma skin cancer. Lasers Surg Med 2013; 45(2): 89-94. PMC3685854
  • Roberts M, Hong C, Edge S, Yao S, Bshara W, Higgins M, Freudenheim JL, Ambrosone C. Case-only analyses of the associations between polymorphisms in the metastasis-modifying genes BRMS1 and SIPA1 and breast tumor characteristics, lymph node metastasis, and survival. Breast Cancer Res Treat 2013; 139(3): 873-885. PMC3819326
  • Bharthuar A, Khorana AA, Hutson A, Wang JG, Key NS, Mackman N, Iyer R. Circulating microparticle tissue factor, thromboembolism and survival in pancreaticobiliary cancers. Thromb Res 2013; 132(2): 180-184