Patients and volunteers enjoying The 11 Day Power Play Cancer Resource Center

The 11 Day Power Play Cancer Resource Center

11 Day Power Play Cancer Resource Center Logo

A place where patients and their families can find information, support, comfort and connection throughout their cancer journeys.

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11 ways we can help

  1. A warm welcome and personalized introduction to Roswell Park and all the services available to patients and their loved ones.
  2. Patient education from Roswell Park experts and trusted national cancer organizations.
  3. Connection to Roswell Park's many support services.
  4. Educational classes, including chemotherapy/infusion and radiation orientations.
  5. Lending library of cancer-specific and integrative care books for adults and children, plus Playaway® audiobooks.
  6. Comfort items, such as hand-knit blankets, seasonal hats and port pillows.
  7. Information about wellness activities taking place on campus and in the community.
  8. Support, guidance and a listening ear from diagnosis through survivorship in our private consultation rooms.
  9. Resource Center self-care information and sessions to manage treatment side effects. Sessions include oncology massage, meditation and breathwork, as well as eyebrow and skin care classes, and more.
  10. A private space to ask your most personal questions relating to your care.
  11. New Era Cap Foundation Elevate Salon and our complimentary Wig and Head Covering Program for those experiencing hair loss due to their cancer diagnosis.

The Resource Center gave me everything I needed, and everything I didn’t know I needed!

— Cancer Survivor and Roswell Park Employee

Highlights of our programs

Photo of the main hospital lobby, information and valet desk when you first enter Roswell Park.
Take a tour of Roswell Park

Especially for new patients and their caregivers, the Patient and Family Tour will help you learn to navigate around Roswell Park, as well as introduce you to the array of facilities, programs and support that we offer. This walking tour is led by Richard Satterwhite, Patient Engagement Specialist and is conducted at your convenience by calling Richard at 716-845-1609.

New Era Cap Foundation Elevate Salon logo 2025
Navigating hair loss

Learn about our complimentary Wig and Head Covering program that includes consultation and fittings with our professional staff and volunteers as well as an opportunity to browse our catalog of options.

In our New Era Cap Foundation Elevate Salon, New York State-licensed stylists offer pretreatment haircuts, wig styling, trim or shaping, head shaves, and hair donation haircuts (patients only). Stylist appointments are available every weekday. For more information or to schedule an appointment, please call us at  716-845-8659, option 2.

*Roswell Park is unable to accept new or gently used wigs, hats, head coverings, medical supplies or medical equipment

Learn more Request a salon appointment

Two women in chemo look out the window
Chemotherapy and infusion orientation

Learn what to expect and get connected with information, tools and resources to ease the burden of treatment and side effects. We offer these one-on-one orientations to all our patients undergoing chemotherapy or other infusion treatments, and their families and caregivers. 

Cancer Coach Sara Sade speaks to a patient in the Resource Center - 2017
Cancer Coach Program

The Cancer Coach Program connects Roswell Park patients with cancer survivors who know firsthand how a cancer diagnosis changes your life. Talking with someone who has lived with cancer can reduce anxiety and isolation. Cancer Coaches are trained Roswell Park volunteers who provide comfort and practical information for patients. While Cancer Coaches can provide valuable information about their own personal experiences and supportive services available at Roswell Park, they do not provide medical advice. 

Learn more

Female patient receiving a massage from our massage therapist in the Resource Center.
Self-care sessions

Complimentary classes and programming, generously funded by the Roswell Park Alliance Foundation, are available to support patients undergoing treatment. Led by an oncology-trained esthetician, classes include Beautiful Brows, Dry Body Brushing, Skincare, and Hand and Nail Care — designed to address side effects and promote well-being. 

Additional complimentary programming in the Resource Center features Reiki, Guided Relaxation, and 10-minute Oncology Massage sessions. For more information, please visit our Patient Events Calendar or call 716-845-8659 option 3 for a full list of upcoming events.

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Come visit us!

The 11 Day Power Play Cancer Resource Center is located on the first floor of the main hospital by the tower elevators, near the Sunflower Café, and is open Monday through Friday, 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. Call us at 716-845-8659 (Option 1) or email

Resource Center events