Last month, Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center reopened its location on College Parkway in Amherst with a new focus — providing essential survivorship and wellness care.
Achalasia is a rare swallowing disorder in which the esophagus loses the ability to propel food and liquids into the stomach. As a result, food gets stuck in the esophagus, leading to regurgitation of food and often chest pain.
People from across New York State, and around the world, come to Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center to receive consultations and treatments for their cancer care. While the logistics of this may seem daunting, Roswell Park does this every day.
In Western and Upstate New York, all roads lead to Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, one of the first three nationally designated comprehensive cancer centers — a recognition from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) that places Roswell Park among the very top cancer centers.
Firefighters, in particular, and other first responders are at higher risk of developing myeloma, lymphoma and cancer in the breast, lungs, skin, liver, testes and other organs.
Now five years old and in kindergarten, Chasity is a happy, healthy, active little girl, who still shows no signs of the cancer that once wracked her body.
Many spirits of humanity have contributed to building the legacy of Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center since it was founded in 1898. A new mural on the downtown campus pays tribute to three Rowell Park heroes who saved the lives of thousands of Hungarian Jews during the Holocaust.
For the first time, a large population-wide study of young women found no new cases of cervical cancer among those who had received a vaccine against human papillomavirus (HPV).