Intensive Symptom Surveillance Guided by Machine Learning-Directed Risk Stratification in Patients With Non-Metastatic Head and Neck Cancer, The INSIGHT Trial

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This clinical trial compares intensive symptom evaluation with supportive care to standard symptom management in patients with head and neck cancer that has not spread to other places in the body (non-metastatic). Standard symptom management involves symptom management during and after radiation therapy, using problem-focused history and physical examination followed by appropriate symptomatic management as appropriate per treating physician's discretion. Intensive symptom management with monitoring patient reported outcomes is performed among patients with metastatic cancers receiving systemic therapies and with various cancers receiving radiation therapy. This trial may help researchers determine the impact of intensive symptom surveillance in patients with non-metastatic head and neck cancers.

Full Title

Intensive Symptom Surveillance Guided by Machine Learning-Directed Risk Stratification (INSIGHT)

ClinicalTrials.Gov ID

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