Signs & Symptoms

As a rare cancer, general physicians don’t always suspect sarcoma immediately. Many sarcomas are mistakenly diagnosed first as a hematoma, abscess, ganglion cyst, hernia or a benign lipoma — a noncancerous tumor made of fat cells.

Many cases of sarcoma are detected incidentally, during testing or imaging performed for other conditions or symptoms. Sarcomas do not have a precancerous phase or show early warning signs — and no screening test yet exists to detect sarcoma early.

However, be sure to alert you doctor to any soft tissue lump or mass that has one of the following:
  • Has recently appeared and is getting bigger
  • Is larger than 5 centimeters (about the size of a lime).
  • Goes deep into the connective tissue of the body
  • Is causing symptoms pain, swelling, or numbness and tingling

Getting a diagnosis