Surgery will likely be one of the first treatment approaches considered for your cervical cancer and may involve one of the following procedures:
- Cone biopsy (conization). This procedure removes a cone-shaped, amount of abnormal tissue or tumor from the cervix. For some women with early-stage cancers, this may be the only treatment that is needed.
- Trachelectomy. This operation removes most of the cervix and depending on your cancer’s stage, may be a simple trachelectomy or a radical trachelectomy and also remove varying degrees of the upper vagina and nearby lymph nodes and other tissues. Trachelectomy is a fertility-sparing approach because it preserves the uterus.
- Pelvic lymphadenectomy. This procedure removes lymph nodes in the pelvis in order to determine whether the cervical cancer has spread to these nearby lymph nodes. Pelvic lymphadenectomy is usually performed in conjunction with trachelectomy or hysterectomy.
- Hysterectomy. This operation removes the uterus and cervix and varying degrees of the vagina and some surrounding tissue. Removing the ovaries is not essential, but often done in menopausal patients.