Mental health support for young adults

Getting a diagnosis of cancer rocks the world for everyone — but we don’t have to tell you that it’s especially difficult for you. So much life and milestones and transitions happen during these years: graduating from school or training, getting your own place, building your career, dating, marrying, having a family, seeing the world and a thousand other adventures. Cancer was never part of the plan.

Coping with cancer and the interruption of your plans and dreams and managing relationships and, and, and…is a heavy burden. Let us help you carry this burden and meet the challenges you face.

Make an appointment

How we can help

Clinical Psychologist Erin Brewer-Spritzer, Psy.D, is a dedicated specialist who focuses on patients in their 20s and 30s. Dr. Brewer-Spritzer offers a variety of mental health services, such as one-on-one counseling sessions, counseling with your partner or caregiver, support groups, or can arrange for your children to meet with our child life specialist.

As we learn more about you and the challenges you face, we can also put you in touch with any of the other services here at Roswell Park, such as social work, spiritual care, and supportive and palliative care, that may help you and your family.

NCCN Guidelines for Young Adults

The National Comprehensive Cancer Network developed a booklet to help you cope with your disease.

Learn more

Make a mental health care plan

Taking steps to proactively care for your mental health during this time is important. Consider these tips:

  • Acknowledge your emotions. Journal your thoughts as you proceed through your cancer journey.
  • Meet with a mental health practitioner.
  • Seek support groups and programs for young adults with cancer
  • Consider mind-body and relaxation practices
  • Strengthen your body with physical and wellness activities. Connect with our Project Best Life for wellness blogs, podcasts and more.
  • Rely on your faith or belief system, or explore your spirituality
  • Read Making a Mental Health Care Plan to Navigate Your Cancer Journey.

Managing relationships


For more information about mental health support, call 1-800-ROSWELL.