The Donor Center at Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center collects platelets and whole blood for our patients’ treatment needs. Cancer patients are one of the largest recipients of blood products, and the demand for these blood products can only be met by human donors.
The Donor Center at Roswell Park was established in 1964. Founded by Dr. Elias Cohen, we are among the three oldest platelet collection facilities in the country. The Donor Center has a professional and experienced staff, so donors can expect a high level of expertise, rigorous standards of care, compassion, and dignity with each donation.
Why donate at Roswell Park?
- There is a significant, ongoing need for platelets and whole blood at Roswell Park.
- Because platelets expire quickly, donors are needed every day to ensure an adequate supply for patients undergoing cancer treatments or surgery.
- These vital, life-saving blood components cannot be manufactured or substituted.
- By making a donation at The Donor Center, you are contributing to the life-saving care of a Roswell Park patient who needs you.
- Hospitals that specialize in cancer treatment have a specific need for platelets.
- Platelet donations are NOT type-specific. Blood donations do need to match a patient’s blood type.
The Donor Center is located on the ground floor of Roswell Park's main hospital building, immediately to the right of the main entrance.
Our mission
The Donor Center at Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center is dedicated to collecting adequate and safe blood products, respecting the value of each donor, and providing ongoing education for the patients and families whom we serve.
Please consider scheduling an appointment today!
Call 716-845-8275, schedule your appointment online or e-mail us at When emailing The Donor Center, please be sure to include your full name and phone number.
Ask us about platelet drives for your business or organization by calling 716-845-7667.