The field of cancer science is moving fast, and Roswell Park has entered a new era of accelerated development of our technologies through competitive funding mechanisms and partnerships.
Key areas of expertise
- Cellular (CAR T) therapies
- Therapeutics with novel genetic target
- Developmental therapeutics
- Pharmacological therapeutics
- Small molecules
- Biologics
- Medical Devices
- Information technology and software
- Targeted accelerator programs
- Bioinformatics
- Immunology
- Genetics
High impact research
Roswell Park researchers are leading the way in scientific discovery, translational research and cancer innovation with more than 200 high-profile published studies this year.
BridgeBio Pharma Inc. and Roswell Park Establish Collaboration
Under the partnership, BridgeBio will work with scientists at Roswell Park to evaluate new research and development opportunities in oncology that have promise to advance and potentially provide clinical benefit for patients.
Shared Resources
Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center currently supports 23 scientific shared resources that provide our investigators with access to a broad range of sophisticated scientific instrumentation, cutting-edge technical and analytical applications, comprehensive sample biorepositories and more.
Our shared resources perform a valuable role in facilitating basic, clinical and translational scientific research at Roswell Park and are critical elements in accelerating the progress of our researchers and allowing them to successfully compete for peer-reviewed grant funding in an increasingly competitive scientific funding environment.