Cancer Support

I hope my story can help someone else, especially other young moms. So many people are depending on you, and it can feel so overwhelming. You’re tired and emotional, but you have to be strong in front of your kids. You don’t want them to worry, and that alone makes it doubly exhausting.

You may find it tough to discuss some aspects of cancer, both physical and emotional, with someone who has not been through the same struggles. Cancer coaches provide a unique level of empathy and understanding by sharing their own experiences as cancer survivors.

Young adult survivor, J.G., shares his experience with testicular cancer and how the largest, annual young adult cancer convention helped him get his life back on track.

As a young adult cancer patient, I craved a sense of normality. Going to work every day helped me maintain my routine, and for 8 hours, I tricked myself into believing nothing was out of the ordinary.

With Father’s Day coming up this Sunday, it’s time to celebrate all the men in your life - fathers, grandfathers, husbands, brothers, sons, uncles and friends. Men are notoriously hard to shop for, especially if they don’t express their wants and needs, but it’s even harder if they are dealing with something as stressful as cancer.

Coping with a cancer diagnosis can be extremely overwhelming. From managing appointments to coping with the emotional stress, the entire journey can turn your life upside down. That’s where Courtney Kelchlin and Adrian Donaldson come in.

There is no right way to deal with a cancer diagnosis. Everyone’s journey with the disease is unique, but sometimes advice from those who also went through it can help. Hear what patients and survivors have to say.

When I was 3-years-old, I was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Although I have been cancer free for 18 years, cancer continues to touch my life in a variety of ways. I try to stay connected to people who understand what I’m going through.

Everyone has a story to tell. Whether on a first date, job interview or happy hour with a new friend, there’s always a select version of our story that we choose to share. It usually includes where we went to school and how we found ourselves where we are today.

In March 2014, my mother, Cathy Pera, was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Her journey was not easy, but I am proud of the strength she has shown and I am grateful that I was able to support her during some of her most difficult times.

A hospital stay can be complicated for patients who are confused or disoriented due to dementia or the effects of their medications. They need someone with them around the clock, for safety’s sake.

Is there a connection between certain types of cancer and diabetes? There could be, although the relationship is a complex one, according to Rajeev Sharma, MBBS, MD, FACE.