Resources & Services for Bladder Cancer Patients

Roswell Park bladder cancer patients have access to these important resources:

  • A Patient’s Guide to Bladder Cancer, a patient-friendly manual written by Roswell Park’s bladder cancer team that simplifies medical and surgical information, so patients and their caregivers can make informed decisions from diagnosis through recovery.
  • BCG treatment app. Developed specifically for Roswell Park patients undergoing intravesical therapy using Bacillus Calmentte-Guerin (BCG), an immunotherapy drug that is a weakened, non-infectious form of the bacteria that causes tuberculosis. This app is a tool to help you understand your diagnosis and treatment and follow the guidelines for optimal results. The BCG Treatment app is available for free through iTunes and Google Play.
  • Cancer Coach Program connects Roswell Park patients with cancer survivors who know firsthand how a cancer diagnosis changes your life. Talking with someone who has lived with cancer can reduce anxiety and isolation. Cancer Coaches are trained Roswell Park volunteers who provide comfort and practical information for patients. While Cancer Coaches can provide valuable information about their own personal experiences and supportive services available at Roswell Park, they do not provide medical advice.
  • Ostomy Support Group meets on the 2nd Wednesday of every month in the Linda Dobmeier Conference Room, Ground Floor of the Clinical Sciences Building.
  • Bladder Cancer Support Group takes place virtually on the last Friday of every month. Speak to other bladder cancer patients and survivors and find connection and mutual understanding through your diagnosis.
  • Sexual Health Clinic treats patients and survivors who experience erectile dysfunction, urinary incontinence, hormone problems and other issues that can result from prostate and bladder surgery, long-term chemotherapy or radiation to the brain.
  • Survivorship Center specifically for patients who have completed active treatment, provides comprehensive services to address your unique needs as a cancer survivor and helps you move toward a higher level of life long wellness.