In collaboration with the University of Chicago Comprehensive Cancer Center, Roswell Park is focusing on the role of metabolic reprogramming in ovarian cancer patients of different races, and how this impacts the immune milieu and survival outcomes. 

Publicly available data suggests there are alterations to many lipid pathways that differ between Non-Hispanic White women as compared to Black women with ovarian cancer. Dr. Rosario’s funded pilot work will provide novel insight into the biological etiology underlying racial disparities in ovarian cancer. 

Ovarian Cancer SPORE Pilot Grant

Defining metabolic changes associated with African American and European American females with high grade serous ovarian cancer

Press release Ovarian Cancer SPORE
Cover of a scientific journal

Metabolic adaptation of ovarian tumors in patients treated with an IDO1 inhibitor constrains antitumor immune responses

  • Journal: Science Translation Medicine, March 2022
  • Authors: Odunsi K, et al.
Full textPubMed

Connect with the Rosario Lab 

Phone: 716-845-1300 ext. 6271 

Department of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics
Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center 
Elm and Carlton Streets 
Buffalo, NY 14263