The McLean Laboratory is investigating the role of estrogen hormone signaling in ovarian cancers, so we can develop combination therapies with antiestrogen therapy that have a low side-effect profile. 

Anti-estrogen therapy (AET) is often used for estrogen receptor (ER)-positive breast cancer, yet despite 80% of ovarian cancers expressing ER, response rates are only 20%. Interestingly, we have shown that in some women with ER-negative tumors, antiestrogen therapy can be effective. 

We seek to understand these contradictions between ER expression status and response rates, so we can make AET more effective in ovarian cancer. We hypothesize that tumor microenvironment signals modulate responses to antiestrogen therapy, and targeting the tumor microenvironment pathways can improve treatment responses.   

Read the research 

Contact the McLean Laboratory

Department of Gynecology
Department of Pharmacology & Therapeutics
Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center 
Elm and Carlton Streets 
Buffalo, NY 14263 

Email Dr. McLean