If it is determined that the Records you’ve requested pursuant to FOIL are not confidential, proprietary or otherwise exempt from disclosure, then you will be charged a fee should you like a copy of the requested Record.
a) The fees for copies of Records shall be twenty-five cents ($.25) per photocopy/page, not in excess of nine inches (9”) by fourteen inches (14”), or if greater, the actual cost of reproducing any other Record, except when a different fee is otherwise prescribed by statute.
b) The fee Roswell Park may charge for a copy of any other record is based on the actual cost of reproduction and may include only the following:
i) An amount equal to the hourly salary attributed to the lowest paid employee who has the necessary skill required to prepare a copy of the requested record, but only when more than two hours of the employee’s time is necessary to do so; and
ii) The actual cost of the storage devices or media provided to the person making the request in complying with such request; or
iii) The actual cost to Roswell Park of engaging an outside professional service to prepare a copy of a record, but only when an agency’s information technology equipment is inadequate to prepare a copy, and if such service is used to prepare the copy.
c) preparing a copy shall not include search time or administrative costs, and no fee shall be charged unless at least two hours of agency employee time is needed to prepare a copy of the Record requested. A person requesting a Record shall be informed of the estimated cost of preparing a copy of the Record if more than two hours of an agency employee's time is needed, or if an outside professional service would be retained to prepare a copy of the Record.
d) The Records Access Officer shall inform a person requesting a record of the estimated cost of preparing a copy of the record if more than two hours of an agency employee’s time is needed, or if it is necessary to retain an outside professional service to prepare a copy of the record.
e) There shall be no fee charged for the following:
i) Inspection of Records.
ii) Search for Records.
iii) Any certification of Records provided under the Freedom of Information Law.