The Department of Indigenous Cancer Health is excited to announce our Two-Spirt project titled, “Adapting Colorectal Cancer Outreach and Screening for Two-Spirit and Native LGBTQ+ and Urban populations.” This project, funded by a one-year grant from the National In

Every day is a good day to be Indigenous, and this fall, the Department of Indigenous Cancer Health has had several opportunities to take part in celebrating the resiliency and strength of Indigenous Peoples and communities.

In the beginning of 2020, we announced our new Department of Indigenous Cancer Health at Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center. We knew our team was going to expand and more space was crucial as our programming developed.

The Department of Indigenous Cancer Health team at Roswell Park is growing. We’d like to introduce you to three new colleagues, Shannon Seneca, PhD; Corinne&nb

As we have reached the latter part of 2021, our patient navigators have undergone extensive  training and have been hard at work in the field.

Work and community — two things that most people care about deeply — rarely overlap as much as they do for Rodney Haring, PhD, MSW, Director of the Department of Indigenous Cancer Health) at Roswell Park Compre

At Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, we acknowledge that our differences are indeed our strengths when it comes to meeting and exceeding our goals.