Head of Dermatopathology
We provide the access point and operational conduit to the clinical and educational services of the Department of Pathology at Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, a tertiary referral center and designated by the National Cancer Institute. Outside pathologists, clinicians, educators and researchers can contact us to explore and establish collaborative opportunities or obtain diagnostic or consultation services.
Diagnostic services
By sending your samples to us, you have access to the advanced ancillary testing capabilities and diagnostic acumen of Roswell Park Pathology in a streamlined fashion with a focus on customer service. Customized report delivery through electronic integration and/or online physician and patient portals provide easy access to results.
We handle outside skin biopsies for all types of skin disease, as well as prostate and breast biopsies. In 2021 we received and processed around 3,500 new patient cases, accounting for 4,000 to 5,000 individual specimens. The program continues to grow rapidly and for 2022 we expect an increase of approximately 30%.
We are building a dedicated outreach laboratory to expand the scope of Roswell Park pathology services we offer to the outside community. The laboratory is expected to be operational in mid-2022 and will accept biopsy specimens from all tissue types for suspected malignancy as well as other disease processes unrelated to cancer.
Second opinion consultations
We provide second opinion consultations on existing pathologic material. The experienced diagnostic team at Roswell Park has extensive experience across all organ systems and utilizes subspecialty or multidisciplinary consensus conference evaluation for difficult cases. In 2021, we provided more than 400 second opinion consultations from across New York State and the Eastern region of the country.
Our education mission
We develop educational opportunities for outside international physicians to benefit from exposure to modern cancer diagnostics. For example, we work with major hospitals in Pakistan to create short training programs for their pathologists.