What is the average stipend of a Post-doc at Roswell Park?
We follow an adaptation of NRSA stipends based on the number of prior years experience an entering post-doc may have.
What academic title is required to apply to the Post-doctoral Program?
A Ph.D. or Pharm. D.
I already have post-doctoral training, am I eligible to apply?
Yes. However, it is recommended that you have 4 or fewer years prior experience if applying for a second position. This ensures such things as grant eligibility.
I will receive my degree in the next few weeks/months am I still eligible to apply?
Yes, as long as you have a date determined by your dissertation thesis committee and will be starting your Post-doctoral position after that time.
What takes place following my acceptance into a post-doctoral position?
Your mentor will send you an offer letter. After accepting the offer, the Office of Post-doctoral Scholars will schedule an entrance interview with you. At this interview you will receive information about orientation meetings and immunization requirements. Along the way the Office of Post-doctoral Scholars will provide guidance in your transition to the Post-doctoral Program at Roswell Park.