Therapy Dogs

Zoar has the distinction of being the first American Staffordshire Terrier to serve as a therapy dog at Roswell Park.
Since 2006, therapy dogs have been an important part of patient care, providing gentle support and a reason to smile, a break from a stressful time for patients, caregivers and hospital employees alike.
Therapy dog volunteers offer our patients a much-needed distraction from treatment-related worries. It’s always OK to walk right up to the dogs and say hello!
If you own a dog, you understand the joys of canine companionship. But did you know that your four-legged friend could hold the power to heal? Research shows that pet therapy dogs help cancer patients cope with treatment, manage side effects and improve quality of life.
For nearly four years, a statue bearing the likeness of a beloved Roswell Park volunteer has welcomed visitors to our Kaminski Park and Gardens, located outside the main hospital. Monty, Roswell Park’s first-ever therapy dog, serves as a reminder of the compassionate power of animals, now memorialized in the form of a custom statue.