Lung Cancer

Cancer has carved its way into many areas of life for Kelly Englert Flak, MSN, RN, OCN. She is a cancer survivor, a grieving mother who lost her daughter to this disease and an employee at Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center who has dedicated her nearly 20-year career to serving patients.

If you’ve been diagnosed with lung cancer, one of your first consultations will likely be with a thoracic surgeon to determine whether your cancer can be treated with surgery, and which treatment approaches would be best for you.

The groundbreaking lung cancer immunotherapy drug CIMAvax-EGF is now being studied in the prevention of the disease.

For the first time since 2013, a U.S. task force has released new guidelines on who should undergo annual low-dose CT (LDCT) scans for lung cancer, the nation’s leading cause of cancer deaths.

Some of the fastest-growing methods of nicotine delivery are electronic products. But because many of these devices are so new, little is known about the benefits — and the risks — of using them.

You can thank a community swimming pool for helping Patricia discover her lung cancer before it advanced.

“I looked Dr. Hennon straight in the eyes, shook his hand, and told him that I have never lost and I have never quit. I don’t plan on starting now. Roswell may have been my last hope, but I had hope."
In general, coughing is your body’s way of responding to irritation and is usually considered normal and healthy. But sometimes a persistent cough is a warning sign of something more complex, including lung cancer.
Some misconceptions about lung cancer exist and it can sometimes be difficult to separate myth from fact. It’s very important to maintain awareness and stay educated.
Asbestos, mold and radon: three hazardous substances you never want to find in your home. While all three can be removed and remediated by trained professionals, radon is different, because you can’t see, smell or taste it. That doesn't mean radon is harmless. If left untreated, it can be hazardous to your family’s health. In fact, it’s the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States.
We know quitting is hard. Most smokers try several times to quit and it can be a very frustrating process. But every time you try, you practice quitting and increase your chances for quitting for good. So don’t give up – give it another try and ask for help.
"There was only one place I knew that could take good care of me, so I called up Roswell. They asked, 'Who referred you?' and I said, I did!"