Liver Cancer

For some people with cancer that has spread to the liver, or a primary cancer within the liver, a wireless metal pump about the size of a hockey puck offers bright hope for longer-term survival and a potential cure.

Sugar is as sugar does. Too much of it in any form can lead to cellular damage in your liver that leads to liver cancer — the fourth leading cause of death worldwide. In our modern society, however, it’s pretty hard to avoid consuming too much sugar.

The incidence of chronic liver disease and the mortality rate for liver cancer has increased in the last 10 years among the Haudenosaunee (hoe-dee-no-SHOW-nee), the current day six-tribe Iroquois Confederacy whose Indigenous Peoples connect ancestrall

Fatty liver disease is an accumulation of fat in liver cells. Although it hasn’t been identified as a direct cause of liver cancer or other life-threatening diseases, fatty liver disease is associated with other health problems, including an increased risk of some cancers or cardiovascular disease.

The symptoms of liver cancer can be nonspecific. The most common way that liver cancer is diagnosed is when a patient goes to their primary care doctor or their gastroenterologist for a routine follow-up and has some blood tests that come back abnormal.

Like most cancers, liver cancer typically develops slowly and quietly, without causing any noticeable symptoms in its early stages.

The health risks associated with alcohol use are well known. A drink once in a while is fine, but excessive drinking can lead to serious health problems.

Bruce Werner is reflective and appreciative when he thinks about his life. “Cancer is something I’ll probably die with but not die from. I’ve had a great life and I’ve been able to hang out for the last 30 years with a beautiful, wonderful woman."

Ronald Bolander, 85 — husband, father, retired corporate executive, volunteer and four-time liver cancer survivor — has been cancer-free for seven years.

David Prince, now 76, recalls the wonderful road trips he took with his family when he was a child. “My father had a fascination with visiting cemeteries, and I remember being impressed by the lists of accomplishments that filled row after row of tombstones.”

Hepatitis C is the most common blood-transmitted virus in the United States and the leading cause of liver cancer worldwide.

February 14, known to many as Valentine’s Day, is also World Cholangiocarcinoma Day, an international effort to raise awareness about a very rare but aggressive type of cancer.