Cancer Control

After a kidney cancer diagnosis, one of the first questions your physician will seek to answer in developing your treatment plan will be whether your cancer can be treated with surgery — the standard, primary treatment for many patients. And if so, can you still keep your kidney?

A cancer diagnosis inspires many questions, and in a search for answers, patients and family members often stumble on misleading or inaccurate information that raises even more questions, such as — is cancer contagious?

Although each tribe has its own unique history and culture, one thing all Native Americans have in common is an increased risk of cancer and other diseases, including diabetes, heart disease and obesity.

All three of my kids got all their shots. Every stinging needle, every dose was dutifully administered as a normal part of their childhood. I felt that getting their vaccinations was my responsibility as their parent, just like getting them on the school bus, feeding them at least three times a day and trying to limit their television and internet time.
For some people of East Asian descent, drinking an alcoholic beverage can trigger a red face, often called “Asian Flush,” “Asian Red,” or “Asian Glow.” But the facial flushing, which can extend to the arms and chest, isn’t just embarrassing—it’s also a sign of a genetic trait that can put heavy drinkers at increased risk of alcohol-related health problems, including esophageal cancer.
Energy fuels the body's internal functions to help us perform at optimal levels. When energy is low, everything takes longer to accomplish and seems more difficult.
For years we’ve known that lead is dangerous. The colorless, odorless and tasteless metal can go undetected in tap water and cause severe and permanent health problems.
Most of us experience stress in our hectic, day-to-day lives. However, a person in cancer treatment might struggle with intensified feelings of anxiety, depression or fear.
Roswell Park’s Spinal Oncology Center offers advanced treatment options and expert multidisciplinary care for both malignant and nonmalignant conditions of the spine.

After completing treatment, many cancer survivors wonder: what can I do to help prevent my cancer from recurring? If you are in the middle of treatment, you may wonder if there is anything you can do to affect the success of your treatment, or to make treatment a bit easier.