Which cancer screenings do you need — and when?

A group of people stand in a park.
Pictured: From left to right — David Silverheels, Rena Phearsdorf, Whitney Ann Henry, Marissa Haring and Nancy Washburn.

It can be difficult to keep track of which tests you need and when, and whether a personal or family member’s cancer diagnosis affects your risk. Here is a guide to the current recommendations for routine screening for the following cancer types easier!

Breast:  Annual mammography for all women aged 40-70; other testing may be advised if you have other factors that increase your risk.

Colorectal:  Colonoscopy for men and women aged 45 and older; earlier testing may be needed for those with certain risk factors.

Prostate: Early detection counseling, digital rectal exam, PSA (prostate specific antigen) test (if desired) for men starting at age 45; and starting at age 40 for African American men or those with family history.

Cervical: Routine pelvic exam, Pap tests and HPV testing for women aged 21 to 65.

Lung: Annual low-dose CT scan for men and women aged 50 to 79 with more than 20 pack-years of smoking history and who have smoked in the last 15 years.

Not sure where to start?

Talk to your healthcare provider about your screening needs today! You can also call Roswell Park Indigenous and Rural Patient Navigators at 1-888-RPGUIDE (1-877-774-8433) to learn which cancer screenings you need now, including a screening assessment tool that will give you personalized recommendations.