Mary Ellen Reid, BSN, MSPH, PhD

Specialty: Prevention
Chief of Cancer Screening, Survivorship and Mentorship

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Cancers Treated:


Dr. Reid is the Chief of Cancer Screening, Survivorship and Mentorship at Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center.  In her more than 20 years at Roswell Park, Dr. Reid is a Distinguished Professor of Oncology in the Department of Medicine and a key member of the Roswell Park scientific team that is collaborating with Cuban scientists on CIMAvax.  As Chief of Cancer Screening and Survivorship, Dr. Reid has worked to expand Roswell Park’s pioneering Lung Cancer Screening program and develop other cancer screening initiatives within the Institute and in the communities of Western New York, working closely with clinical departments and community providers, to increase the lung, colon and breast screening compliance. Dr. Reid has also established a comprehensive, multi-disciplinary survivorship clinical and outreach program.

Prior to joining Roswell Park, she received her PhD in Cancer Epidemiology at the University of Arizona in Tucson in 1996. She held the rank of Assistant Professor in the Division of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, at the College of Public Health and Co-Director of the NCI Cancer Prevention and Control Training Program.

She has authored or co-authored more than 120 publications, five book chapters, and serves as a regular reviewer for several cancer, nutrition and epidemiology journals as well as a regular adhoc reviewer for several National Cancer Institute grant mechanisms.


Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center

  • Professor of Oncology
  • Chief of Cancer Screening, Survivorship and Mentorship

State University of New York at Buffalo

  • Research Associate Professor
  • Department of Social and Preventative Medicine, School of Public Health


Education and Training

  • PhD - Department of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
  • MSPH - Department of Epidemiology, Division of Public Health, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA
  • BSN - College of Nursing, Northeastern University, Boston, MA

Professional Memberships

  • 2010 - DSMB, Center for Population Health and Health Disparities, OSU, Columbus, OH
  • 2010 - NLST-ACRIN Scientific Review for Use of Biospecimens
  • 2010 - ACCP Lung Cancer Guidelines III, Lung Cancer Chemoprevention Chapter
  • 2010 - NCCN Lung Screening Consensus Committee Member
  • 2010 - AACR Frontiers of Prevention Program Committee Member
  • 2009 - NCCN, Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Database, Local PI
  • 2007 - International Association of the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC), Member
  • 2007 - Mock Study Section Member, AARC Grant Writing Workshop for Associate Members, AACR, Los Angeles, CA
  • 2005 - CALGB Prevention Committee Member
  • 2000 - American Society of Preventive Oncology (ASPO), Member Founding Member for Steering Committee for Junior Members Career Development
  • 1998 - American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), Member

Research Overview

Dr. Reid’s research interests focus on the early detection and chemoprevention of lung and head and neck cancers, and the evaluation of genetic/epigenetic biomarkers of early lesions in high-risk populations. Dr. Reid oversees the High-Risk Lung Cancer Screening Program at Roswell Park, where high risk patients across the region are screened and recruited to studies using imaging and bronchoscopy, allowing for the collection of biospecimens for biomarker analyses. She has experience with chemoprevention trials including wheat bran fiber, selenium, celecoxib, erlotinib and vitamin D. Currently, Dr. Reid is working on early phase clinical trials in the prevention of lung cancer and recurrence using CIMAvax, a vaccine developed in Cuba and Metformin.
Finally, based on the clinical programs in Screening and survivorship, Dr. Reid is an investigator on studies related to barriers to screening, methodology for implementing new community-based programs, and biomarkers and treatment strategies for long term symptom management among survivors. 

Roswell Park Institutional Activities:
2019-present    Member of the Survivorship Translation Research Group (TRG)
2016-present    Chair, Biostatistics Core Advisory Committee
2016                   Co-Chair, Search for Division of Thoracic Medicine Chief
2015                   Co-Chair, Search Committee for Chair of Thoracic Surgery
2014-2015         Member, Roswell CEO/President Search Advisory Committee
2012- 2017        Director, Roswell Clinical Smoking Cessation Service “Just Breath”
2011-present    Co-Chair, Scientific Review Committee
2011- 2017        SRDAR Core Advisory Committee
2011- 2017        Department of Medicine Faculty Mentoring & Development Task Force 
2010-present    NYS Cancer Center Leadership Committee, Roswell Representative
9/2010               Program Co-Director, Lung Cancer Symposium, Niagara-on-the-Lake
2009-present    CCSG Executive Committee
2009-2016         Director, Thoracic Product Line
2009                   Tissue Utilization Committee
12/2008             Presenter, Touch Science Program. An outreach program to Greater Buffalo science teachers to provide information on careers for young people in cancer at Roswell.
9/2008               Program Co-Director, Lung Cancer Symposium, Niagara-on-the-Lake, September 
6/2008-2009    Co-Chair, IT Focus Group
2008-2016        Biostatistics Core Advisory Committee
2008-2016        Prevention Steering Committee
2007-present   Pharmacokinetics Core Advisory Committee
2007-present   Nursing Research Task Force
7/2007-2016    Clinical Research Feasibility and Prioritization Review (CRPC) Committee 
2006-2015        Translational Research Tissue Support Resource (TRTSR) 
2006-2009        IT Advisory Committee
2006-2010        Quality Care Clinical Research Council Committee
2005-present   Alliance Development Grant Reviewer, Ad Hoc
2004-2016        Head and Neck Disease Site Research Group, Scientific Director
2004-2006        Epigenetics Research Group
2003-present    Scientific Review Committee 
2003-present    Lung Disease Site Research Group, Advisory Committee
2003-2016         Lung Disease Site Research Group, Co-Director

Other Institutional Activities:
2018-present    Our Curls, Inc. Advisory Board
2017-present    Special Emphasis Panel, NCI SPORE Program
2016-present    State of Florida Cancer Grant Program, Grant Reviewer
2016-present    Citizen’s Task Force for the West Valley Superfund Site, Epidemiologist 
2014-present    NCCN Annual Meeting Abstract Review Committee
2012-present    Scientific Advisory Board, University at Buffalo Aids International Training and Research Program, SUNY at Buffalo, Buffalo NY
2011-present     NCI-CCSG- Ad Hoc Reviewer
2010-2015          National Lung Screening Trial-ACRIN Scientific Review for use of Biospecimens
2010-2012          Data and Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB) ~ Center for Population Health and Health Disparities, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
2008-2010          Consultant, PEITC Trial in Lung Cancer, University of Minnesota.
1999-2000          College of Public Health Phase I and II Implementation Committee on Educational, University of Arizona, Tucson AZ
1999-2000          College of Public Health Education Integration Committee, University of Arizona, Tucson AZ
1999-2002          Co-Director for R25 Cancer Prevention and Control Training Program, involving the training of 4 pre- and 7 post-doctoral fellows, Arizona Cancer Center, Tucson AZ

Peer Review Activities:
Journal Peer Review
2019-present    Nature Reviews
2019-present    Nature Communications
2012-present    PlosOne
2012-present    Editorial Board, Journal of Thoracic Oncology
2012                   The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine
2012                   Senior Editor, Emerging Scientist
2012                   Future Medicinal Chemistry
2011-present    Oral Oncology
2010-present    Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
2010-present    Familial Cancer Journal
2010-present    Carcinogenesis
2008-present    Advisory Board Member, Trace Elements in Biology and Medicine
2008-present    Cancer Prevention Research
2008-present    Journal of Thoracic Oncology
2007-present    Archives of Internal Medicine
2007-present    Annals of Epidemiology
2006-present    American Journal of Epidemiology
2003-present    Journal of Alternative and Complimentary Medicine
2003-present    Trace Elements in Biology and Medicine
2003-present    Oncology
2002-present    Nutrition and Cancer
2002-present    Clinical Cancer Research
2002-present    Cancer Research
2002-present    American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
1999-present    Cancer, Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention (CEBP) Grant Review Committee Member

Ad Hoc
11/2016          NCI- Ad Hoc CCSG Grant Reviewer
3/2016            NCI- Ad Hoc CCSG Grant Reviewer
2015-present Florida Department of Health Cancer Grant Review 
11/2014          NCI- Provocative Questions Special Emphasis Panel
11/2013          NCI- T32/R25 Grant Reviewer
2011-present NCI- Ad Hoc CCSG Grant Reviewer
2011-present NCI- Ad Hoc CCSG Grant Reviewer
6/2008            NCI- Grant Reviewer, Subcommittee E: PO1 Programs
2007-present NCI- SPORE Review Panel, Adhoc
2007-present Institutional Alliance Grants, Roswell 
2005-present AVON- P30 Supplemental Grants for Breast Cancer Biomarker Studies, Special Review Panel
6/2005            NCI Grant Reviewer, Subcommittee E: PO1 Programs
2003-2006      NCI Grant Reviewer, Subcommittee G- Education
4/2003            NCI Grant Reviewer, Subcommittee E: PO1 Programs Grant Review Committee Member

Appointed Member
2006-2010    NCI Grant Reviewer, Subcommittee G- Education, Permanent member

Educational Contributions:
2019-present    Integrative Cancer Sciences III (ICS) Clinical Oncology Co-facilitator
2013-2016         Global Health, Department of Pharmacy; Oral Cancer Screening in India, North Campus, SUNY-UB
2011                   Oncology for Scientists- The Burden of Cancer, September, Roswell 
2010-present    Cancer Prevention and Control Course; Epidemiology and Prevention of Aerodigestive Cancers, Roswell
2010-2011         Scientific Ethics Training Course, Roswell
2007-2009         Principles of Chemotherapy, Roswell
2006                   Cancer Pathology Course- Biomarkers of Premalignant Lesions of the Lung
2006-present    Cancer Epidemiology lecture on Clinical Trials, Roswell
2006                   Cancer Prevention and Control Course- Lung Cancer Prevention, Roswell
2005                   Cancer Prevention and Control lecture on Laboratory Methods in Molecular Epidemiology, Roswell
2004                  Oncology for Scientists- The Burden of Cancer, September and Chemoprevention, March, Roswell
2003-present    Cancer Epidemiology Course lecture on Clinical Trials and Aerodigestive Cancers, Social and Preventive Medicine, University at Buffalo
2003                   Nutritional Epidemiology Course lecture on Dietary Intervention Trials, SPM, University at Buffalo
2001                   Cancer Epidemiology Course, Smoking and Cancer: A Review of the Current Literature, University of Arizona, Tucson AZ.
2001                   Epidemiology Seminar, Smoking Assessment Questionnaire Validation Using Plasma Cotinine Levels, University of Arizona, Tucson AZ.

Undergraduate/Master’s Students
2016    Taylor Vanzile, BA Roberts Wesleyan College, MS student in MPH Program, St. Bonaventure University. Expected Graduation December 2016.  Role: Capstone Advisor
2015    Jordan Karnyski, BA student at Boston University studying Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Expected Graduation May 2018. Research Apprentice working with pulmonology and breast departments assisting with integration of tracking program for patients. Role: Mentor
2015    David Lawton, BA student at University at Buffalo, Biomedical Sciences. Expected graduation May 2016. Assisted in administration of quality-of-life surveys to patients. Observed pulmonary procedures. Role: Mentor
2014    Peter Davidow, Dental student, Honors Thesis, School of Dental Medicine, Status University of New York at Buffalo. Graduation – May, 2014. Project title: “Biofilm Interactions Between Candida Albicans and Candida Glabrata and Efficacy of a Novel Histatin-5-Spermidine Conjugate to Treat Oropharyngeal Candidiasis”.
2014    Fatima Almarzouki, DDS. MS student in the Interdisciplinary Master’s Program, Roswell. Graduation Expected – May 2015. Proposed project area: Development of an educational component for dentists: the effects of smoking on oral health.
2014    Anushree Sharma, PhD candidate, Cancer Pathology and Prevention, Roswell. Role: Committee Member
2014    Bashayer Albogami, MD, MS student in the Interdisciplinary Master’s Program, Roswell. Role: Faculty Advisor
2013    Michael Healy, BS (MPH student in SPM, SUNY-UB). Expected Graduation – May, 2014. Proposed project title: “Screening and Redefining Surgical Margins for Oral Cancer at the Chittarajan Cancer Institute, Kolkata India.”  Role: Faculty Committee Member
2013    Nicole Hinchey, DDS (MS student at Long Island University). Graduation – September 2013. Proposed project title: “The Epidemiology of Oral Necrosis of the Jaw: Current Trends and Case Series.” Role: Committee Member
2012    Peter Radlowski, BS (MS in Natural Sciences, Roswell). Graduation – August 2012. Project title: “Frequency of Dysphagia in Head & Neck Cancer Patients.”  Role: Primary Faculty Advisor
2012    Sandra Michel, RN, BSN (NP student at Daemon College, Amherst, NY), Graduated - December 2012. Project title: “The Correlation Between Perceived and Actual Risk of Lung Cancer Among High-Risk Individuals.”  Role: Faculty Committee Member
2010    Anne Marie Parise, BA (MS in Natural Sciences, Roswell). Graduated– June 2011). Project Title: “Assessment of High-Risk Lung Cancer Patients Perception of Chemoprevention.” Role: Primary Faculty Advisor
2010    Christopher Wilcox, BS (MS in Natural Sciences, Roswell). Graduated – September 2011). Project title: “Association of HPV presence in Head & Neck Tumor Outcomes.” Role: Primary Faculty Advisor
2008    Patricia Zagst, BS (MS student in Natural Sciences, Roswell). Graduated - September 2008. Project Title: “FDA Regulations for Chemopreventive Agents: Considerations of Toxicity and Efficacy.” Role: Primary Faculty Advisor
2008    Rachel Kermis, High school student intern from Nardin Private School. Graduated - June 2008. Project title: “Identification of Risk Factors and HPV Exposure in Base of Tongue Tumors.” Poster presentation at the AHNS Meeting, San Francisco, CA, July 2008. Role: Faculty Mentor
2008    Jaclyn Orlando, BS student from Buffalo State University. Graduated - December 2008. Project title: “Incorporating Active Smoking Cessation Clinic in the Thoracic Program at Roswell.”  Role: Faculty Mentor on final senior project
2007    Rashsmi Pande, DDS (MS in Natural Sciences, Roswell). Graduated - May 2007. Project title: “Significance of Signet Ring Cells in the Prognosis and Outcome of Colorectal Cancer Patients.” Role: Primary Faculty Advisor
2007    Sandra Jacob, RN, BSN (NP student at Damen College, Amherst, NY).  Graduated - December 2007. Role: Faculty Committee Member
2007    Soumya Ramananda, BS (MS student in Natural Sciences, Roswell). Graduated - May 2008. Project Title: “Early Detection of Premalignant Lesions of the Oral Cavity with Autofluorescence.” Role: Primary Faculty Advisor
2005    Jennifer Frustino, BS (MS Natural Sciences Program, Roswell). Graduated - May 2005. Project title: “Levels of p16 Expression in the Buccal Cells of Non-Cancer and Former Cancer Patients with Varying Levels of Risk.” Role: Primary Faculty Advisor
2005    Julie Wojtaszczyk, BS (MS Natural Sciences Program, Roswell). Graduated August 2005. Project title: “Levels of Cyclin D1 Expression in the Buccal Cells of Non-Cancer and Former Cancer Patients with Varying Levels of Risk.” Role: Primary Faculty Advisor
2005    Nathan Mahoney, BS (MS Natural Sciences Program, Roswell). Graduated May 2005. Project title: “Evaluation of the Toxicity of Selenium Supplementation in a Clinical Trial.” Role: Faculty Committee Member
2005    Balazs Gerloczy, MD (Oncologic Surgical Pathology Fellowship, Roswell). Completed fellowship - May 2005. Project title: “Inflammatory Cytokine Gene Polymorphisms in Lung Cancer Patients.” Role: Faculty Committee Member

Dissertation Committees
2016-2020    Rachael Evans, PhD student in Cancer Prevention and Population Science, Roswell. Admission – August 2016. Expected graduation: July 2020. Role: Faculty Advisor and Dissertation Chair 
2015-2017    Anushree Sharma, MBBS, PhD student in Epidemiology, EEH, SUNY-UB.  Role: Dissertation Committee Member. Graduated May 2017. Post-doctoral position: Post-doctoral fellow in the Department of Epidemiology, MDACC, Houston TX.
2013-2019    Nicole Hinchey, DDS (Dental Oncology), PhD student in Epidemiology, Cancer Pathology and Prevention, Roswell. Admission – August 2013. Role: Faculty Advisor and Dissertation Chair. Withdrew from program as ABD, June 2019. Current post-doctoral position: Fellow in maxillofacial radiology program, SUNY Stoneybrook, NY.
2012-2013    Sarah Mazilli, MS.  PhD student in Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Roswell.  Dissertation Topic: “The Role of Vitamin D in Lung Cancer”. Graduation – October 2013. Post-doctoral position: Assistant Professor, Computational Bioinformatics, School of Medicine, Boston University.  Mentor: Avrum Spira, MD. MSc.
2009-2012    Jennifer Frustino, DDS (Dental Oncology), PhD in Cancer Epidemiology, Cancer Pathology and Prevention, Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center. Dissertation Topic: “Autofluorescence Guided Surveillance for Suspicious Lesions of the Oral Cavity: Identification of Biomarker Profiles and Chemopreventive Targets”. Graduated – August 2012. Role: Faculty Advisor and Dissertation Advisor. Current Position: Attending Dentist and Associate in Head and Neck Surgery, Division of Oral Oncology and Maxillofacial Prosthetics, Erie County Medical Center, Buffalo NY.
2009        Chukwumere Nwogu, MD (Thoracic Surgery), PhD in Cancer Epidemiology, Cancer Pathology and Prevention, Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center. Dissertation Topic: “Lymph Node Staging in Surgically Treated Lung Cancers”. Graduated – August 2012. Role: Faculty Advisor and Dissertation Advisor. Current Position: Professor of Oncologic Surgery, Roswell.
2008               Ravi Menezes, Saxon Graham Award for Excellence in Epidemiology and Community Health
2008        Vijay Jayaprakash, MBBS, PhD, Epidemiology, SPM, SUNY-UB, Dissertation Topic: “Application of Autofluorescence in Early Detection of Lung and Oral Cancers”. Graduated - December 2008. Role: Primary Oncology Faculty and Dissertation Advisor. Current Position: Director of Global. AstraZeneca, Washington D.C.  
2008        Kanitsak Boonanantanasarn, DDS. PhD in Oral Biology, SUNY-UB. Dissertation Topic: “The Oral Microbiota and Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma”. Graduated – June 2010, Role: Dissertation Committee Member
2007        Ravi Menezes, PhD, Epidemiology, SPM, SUNY-UB. Graduated - May 2007. Role: Faculty Committee Member. Current Position: Associate Professor, University of Toronto, Canada.
2007        Luke Peppone, PhD, Epidemiology, SPM, SUNY-UB. Graduated - May 2007. Role:  Faculty Committee Member. Current Position: Associate Professor, University of Rochester, Rochester NY. 
2007        Darryl Somayaji, PhD, RN, CCRC, College of Nursing, University of Utah.  Dissertation topic: “Negotiating participation to oncology clinical trials for African Americans: Race, Identity, Power and Barriers to Health.”  Graduated- May 2012. Role: Faculty Committee Member. Current Position:  Assistant Professor, College of Nursing, SUNY- UB.
Postdoctoral Trainees
2016        Katie Dobson-Amato, PhD T32 Postdoctoral Research Scholar, Roswell. Research program goals: To develop an independent research career on survivorship among young adults; primary care physicians towards survivorship; utilization of survivorship care plans. Current position: Research Scholar, Department of Family Practice, University at Buffalo and Roswell. Role: Primary Co-Mentor
2010        Jennifer Frustino, DDS, PhD R25 Postdoctoral Fellow, Roswell. Research program goals: To access the diagnostic potential of autofluorescence in the oral cavity. Current position: Attending Dentist and Associate in Head and Neck Surgery, Current Position: Attending Dentist and Associate in Head and Neck Surgery, Division of Oral Oncology and Maxillofacial Prosthetics, Erie County Medical Center, Buffalo NY. Role: Primary Mentor
2008        Mary Platek, PhD, RD, R25 Postdoctoral Fellow, Roswell. Research program goals: To develop research investigating the role of nutrition and nutritional status on response to radiation and chemotherapy for head and neck cancer. Current position: Assistant Professor at NYU, NY, NY. Role: Primary Mentor
2008        Zahanira Peitri, PhD, R25 Postdoctoral Fellow, Roswell. Research program goals: To develop research into the association between diesel exhaust, radon and lung cancer risk in the greater Buffalo metropolitan area. Role: Secondary Mentor

Grant Support:
Completed Grants
2014-2015    Co-Investigator (0.6 calendar). Serum epidermal growth factor as a prognostic and therapeutic target in cancer. Roswell Park Alliance Foundation. Total Direct: $40,336

12/2011-9/2016    Co-Investigator and PI on Local Subcontract (1.2 calendar). Benzo[a]pyrene Metabolism: Phenotyping and Genotyping, NCI- R01 (PI: Stephen Hecht, PhD). Determining the metabolism of benzo[a]pyrene in current smokers by genotype in a high-risk lung cancer cohort.

12/2011-7/2014    Principal Investigator (0.6 calendar). Assessment of Genomic Damage in Oral Lesions, Roswell Alliance Funding, Total funding $48,084. During the multi-year progression from normal cell to cancer, numerous genomic alterations arise in events ranging from single base mutations to gains or losses of entire chromosomes, resulting in massive alteration in cellular physiology.

7/2010-6/2015    Consultant (0.6 calendar). The UCLA – Boston University Lung Cancer Biomarker Development Laboratory, NIH/NCI-U01 (PI: Avrum Spira, MD, MSc). LOI to Boston University. Total Costs: $355,858. The major goal of this program is to develop and characterize new biomarkers and assays for the early detection of lung cancer through airway mRNA/microRNA profiling and proteomic profiling of blood.

7/2009-9/2011    Co-Investigator (0.6 calendar). Development of Blood Based microRNA Profile as a Biomarker of Lung Cancer, NCI-RO3 (PI: Santosh Parnaik). Total Costs: $100,000. To utilize stored blood in lung cancer and high-risk screening controls to identify a profile of microRNA markers that will serve as biomarkers for lung cancer.

6/2009-5/2013    Principal Investigator (2.4 calendar). A Phase I study of Erlotinib in Patients with premalignant lesions of the lung. Total Costs: $1,255,573. LOI to NCI Phase I/II Contract with Northwestern University. To evaluate multiple low doses of erlotinib for toxicity and efficacy in high risk aerodigestive cancer survivors.

9/2008-8/2011    Co-Director (1.2 calendar), Cancer Prevention and Control Training Program, NCI-R25 CA114101 (Marshall). The major goal of this program is to be training post-doctoral fellows training in a transdisciplinary, translational program in cancer prevention and control.

4/2008-3/2010    Co-Investigator (0.6 calendar), NCI-R03 (PI: H. Zhao). DNA repair capacity and risk of pre-malignant lesions in the lung epithelium.  Total costs: $100,000. To investigate the repair capacity in patients with progressive and regression premalignant lesions in the lung.

11/2006-12/2012    Principal Investigator (1.8 calendar). Stacey Scott ABRIEN Lung Cancer Registry, Roswell Alliance Funding, Total Costs: $1,000,000

12/2005-11/2010    Co-investigator (0.6 calendar), Biomarkers for the Progression of Head and Neck SCC, NCI- RO1 (PI: Norma Nowak, PhD), Total Costs: $1,500,000. To assess genetic changes in a series in the carcinogenic transformation that contributes to the formation of head and neck squamous cell carcinomas. Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center

9/2005-8/2011    Principal Investigator (2.4 calendar), Calcitriol for Chemoprevention in Preinvasive Bronchial Epithelial Lesions, NCI- RO1. Total Costs: $2,400,000. To test the use of Vitamin D (Calcitriol) in the prevention of progression of preinvasive bronchial epithelial lesions in a high-risk former smoker cohort. Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center

7/2005-8/2007    Co-Investigator (0.6 calendar) Periodontal disease and the Incidence of Oral Cancer, NCI-R03 (PI: Mine Tezal, PhD) (Total Costs: $100,000). Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center

4/2004-3/2009    Co-Investigator (2.4 calendar), Lung Cancer Molecular Markers by Sex: An Intergroup Study, NCI- RO1 (PI: Christine Ambrosone, PhD), Total Costs: $3,746,750. The major goals of this project are to investigate gender differences in lung cancer, by assessment of biomarkers in tissue and blood and risk factor data. Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center

11/2001-7/2002    Principal Investigator (1.8 calendar), Lung Cancer Prevention with Selenium Supplementation, ADCRC Total Costs: $390,113. Arizona Cancer Center, Tucson AZ.

7/2000-8/2005    Co-Investigator (1.2 calendar), Nutritional Prevention of Cancer, NCI (PI: James Marshall, PhD) Total Costs: $275,000. Arizona Cancer Center, Tucson AZ.

7/2000-7/2002    Co-Investigator (1.2 calendar), Watchful Waiting, NCI (PI: James Marshall, PhD) Total Costs: $576,310. Arizona Cancer Center, Tucson AZ.

7/2000-7/2002    Co-Investigator (1.2 calendar), Negative Biopsy Phase III Trial of Selenium, NCI (PI: James Marshall, PhD) Total Costs: $620,866. Arizona Cancer Center, Tucson AZ.

7/2000-7/2001    Co-Investigator (1.2 calendar) Colon Cancer Prevention Program Project, NCI (PI: David Alberts, MD) Total Costs: $20,545,742. Arizona Cancer Center, Tucson AZ.

2/2000-12/2000    Principal Investigator (0.6 calendar), Selenium Levels Predict Adenoma Recurrence, Cancer Prevention and Control Research Award, Arizona Cancer Center Core Grant Supplement Total Cost: $9,580. Arizona Cancer Center, Tucson AZ.

7/1998-7/2002    Co-Director (55%), R25 Cancer Prevention and Control training Grant, NCI (PI: JR Marshall, PhD) Total Costs: $3,539,303. Arizona Cancer Center, Tucson AZ.

7/1996-6/1999    Project Coordinator (35%), A Study of Genetic Alterations and Recurrence in Colorectal Polyps Associated with Smoking, ADCRC (PI: DS Alberts, MD) Total Costs: $442,021. Arizona Cancer Center, Tucson AZ. 

Current Grants
3/2019-2/2022     Co-Investigator (0.06 calendar). Exosome-Protein-microRNA-OneStop (Exo-PROS) biosensor: a new liquid biopsy for cancer screening and early detection, NIH 1R21CA235305-01, (PI: Wu, UB College of Biomedical Engineering)                

1/2019-12/2023    Co-Investigator and Local PI (1.2 calendar). Evaluating the premalignant cancer genome atlas of lung cancer (PCGA). Contract with Boston University/ Janssen Oncology

9/2018-6/2023    Co-Investigator (0.06 calendar). Efficacy of Nurse-Delivered Brief Behavioral Treatment to Self-Manage Insomnia in Cancer Survivors, NCI R01 NR018215-01, (PI: Dean, UB College of Nursing)

9/2015-8/2019    Co-Investigator (0.60 calendar). Noninvasive detection of circulating RNAs for lung cancer early detect    ion and prognosis. NIH R33CA191245-01A1 (PI: Wu, UB College of Biomedical Engineering)         

5/2014-2/2019    Co-Investigator (0.60 calendar). Cooperative Network Lead Academic Participating Site Grant from Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center. NIH 5U10CA180866-05 (PIs: Lele, Levine, Singh, Ernstoff)        

2013-2024    Co-Principal Investigator (1.2 calendar). Evaluating mRNA/DNA biomarkers for cancer in the airways and premalignant lesions from high-risk lung cancer patients. NCI- Moonshot and Contract with Jansson Oncology (Johnson and Johnson)  

2012-2019    Principal Investigator (0.6 calendar). Evaluating the Prevalence, Viral Load and Persistence of HPV Types 16 and 18 in the Oral Premalignant Lesions and Cancers in Patients at a Higher Risk of Oral and Oropharyngeal Cancers. Contract Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp.

10/11-10/24    Co-Investigator and PI on Local Subcontract (0.6 calendar). Detection of Early Lung Cancer Among Military Personnel (DECAMP), DOD (PI: Avrum Spira, Boston University).  

Invited Scholarly Presentations:



Washington DC, Capital Building, ELCAP meetings – Testimonies, Sept. 14th

NCCN Policy Advisory Group on Lung Cancer Screening Committee

Mount Sinai Morningside Hospital, 43rd International conference on Screening for Lung Cancer, Sept. 21st

Indiana University, Grand Rounds, ‘Lung Cancer Screening and Surveillance”. January 14th


Department of Health Survivorship Grand Rounds, Virtual, “Communication Between Oncology and Primary Care Providers”. March 5th

American Association for Cancer Research Virtual Meeting: COVID-19 and Cancer “Challenges to Cancer Screening During the COVID19 Pandemic”. February 3rd

President’s Cancer Panel Innovation Meeting Session 3: Innovations in Telehealth, Remote Care and Insurance. February


NYS Firefighters Cancer Foundation, Buffalo NY, “An Update on the Evidence of the Cancer Burden in Firefighters”.March 21st

Catholic Medical Partners Quality Committee, Buffalo, NY. “Update on the Evidence for Lung Cancer Screening”. April

Lockport Fire Department-First Responders, Lockport, NY. “An Update on the Evidence of the Cancer Burden in Firefighters”. April 17th

NYS Cancer Consortium, Buffalo, NY. “An Overview of Survivorship: What is Happening at Roswell Park”. June 11th

Town of Tonawanda Police Department, Tonawanda NY. “An Update on the Evidence of the Cancer Burden in First Responders”. June 14th

Olean General Hospital Quality Committee, Olean, NY. “An Update on Lung Cancer Screening”. June 27


Lung Force Expo, American Lung Association, Buffalo, NY. “CIMAvax Lung Cancer Vaccine Update”. March 15th


UB Primary Care Conference, Millennium Hotel, Buffalo. Updates on Cancer Screening Guidelines”. January 26

National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO), The Foundry Suites, Buffalo. “Updates on the Roswell Park-Cuban Collaborations”. February 8

Annual Native American Global Conference, University of Arizona School of Nursing, Tucson AZ. “The CIMAvax Trial Overview”. March 2

Oneida Ladies Night Out, Oneida NY. “Survivorship and Cancer Screening: An Overview of the Programs at Roswell Park”. April 11

C4QI Annual Meeting, Buffalo NY. “Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center and Cuba: A New Frontier in Sciences and Medicine”. September 13

C4QI Annual Meeting, Buffalo NY. “The Survivorship Program at Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center”. September 13

Spirit of Eagles International Conference of First Nations, Niagara Falls, NY. “Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center and Cuba: A New Frontier in Sciences and Medicine”. September 24
Breath of Life, Buffalo, NY. Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center. “Update  on CIMAvax Trial.” Survivorship at Roswell. November 4th

Our Curls Caregiver Recognition Dinner, Buffalo, NY. Program on Caregiver for African American Cancer Patients. November


Cayuga Medical Center, Ithaca NY. Oncology Education Day, keynote speaker. “Advances in Lung Cancer Screening”. April 14

Dr. Roswell Park Society, Buffalo Club. “Updates on the CIMAvax Trials”. September 22


Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, Department of Radiation Medicine Lunch & Learn Series. “Smoking

Cessation in Clinical Practice”. March 11

Bradford Regional Medical Center, Bradford, PA, Lunch & Learn.  “Updates on Lung Cancer Screening”. October 21


University at Buffalo, SUNY at Buffalo Department of Medicine, City-Wide Grand Rounds. “Update on Lung Cancer Screening”. February 6

Sisters of Charity Hospital, Buffalo NY, Medical Grand Rounds. “Updates on Lung Cancer Screening”. April 22

Erie County Medical Center, Department of Psychiatry. “Smoking Cessation in a Mental Health Setting”. May 6

Alliance Prevention Committee Meeting, Chicago IL, “A Randomized Trial of Varenicline Use Combined with Cessation Counseling in Advanced Stage Lung Cancer Patients”. May 8

Catholic Health Systems, Graduating Residents, “Developing Clinical & Translational Research”. June 11

Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, 2014 Science Retreat, Geneseo NY. “The Lung Cancer Screening and Early Detection Research Program”. July 17

Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, Clinical Research Services Continuing Education Series. “Updates on Lung Cancer Research”. December 12


UB Global Research Day, The International Pharmacotherapy Education and Research Initiative (IPERI) Center of Excellence, “Oral Cancer Screening in India”. February

Boston University School of Medicine, Division of Computational Biomedicine, Evans Distinguished Lecture Series in Computational Biomedicine, Boston MA. “Lung Cancer Screening: Outcomes and Opportunities”. April 12

Praxair Corporation, Lunch and Learn Series, Tonawanda NY. “Lung and Oral Cancer Screening”. May 29


Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, Buffalo, NY. Cancer Pathology and Translational Talk to Students “Lung Cancer”. March 7

National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) 17th Annual Conference, Hollywood, FL. Lecture “Clinical Practice Decisions in Lung Cancer Screening”. March 16

Case Comprehensive Cancer Center, Cleveland OH. Medical Grand Rounds, “Lung Cancer Screening and Chemoprevention”. May 15

Regional Conference on Fire Safety, In-Service Education Program, Syracuse, NY. “Cancer Risk and Fire Fighters- Lighting the Way to Early Detection”. October


Providence Hospital, Spokane, WA. “Lung Cancer Screening: the Roswell Park Experience”. March 16

Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, Buffalo, NY. Continuing Medical Education for Primary Care Practitioners: Lung Cancer. “Lung Cancer Epidemiology”.  March 19

Buffalo Fire Department In-service Education Program. A series of 20 lectures in fire houses in Buffalo, to over 500 active firefighters. “Lung Cancer: What Fire Fighters Should Know”.  July-August

Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, Buffalo, NY. Medical Grand Rounds. “Overview of the Results of the National Lung Cancer Screening Trial: Clinical Implications”. September 16

Karmanos Cancer Institute, Detroit MI. Medical Grand Rounds, “Lung Cancer Surveillance”. September James Cancer Center, Ohio State Medical Center, Columbus OH. Cancer Control Program Seminar. “Bimodality Screening for Aerodigestive Cancers”. September 28

Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, Buffalo, NY. Nursing Education Series. “Lung Cancer Epidemiology”. September 26


ASPO Career Development Workshop, Bethesda, MD. “Grant Writing: Overviews, Updates & Insights”. March 23

University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Los Angeles, CA. “Lung Cancer Surveillance and Chemoprevention”. May 13

Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, Buffalo, NY. “Lung Cancer: A Few Facts That You Should Know”. March 24

Buffalo Fire Department, Buffalo, NY.  In-Service Education Program, “Lung Cancer: What Fire Fighters Should Know”. Firehouse lectures from June-August

Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, Buffalo, NY. “Trends in Lung Cancer Epidemiology”. September 25 AACR Frontiers in Prevention Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. “Oral Cancer Screening Using Autofluorescence”.  November 10


Arizona Cancer Center, Tucson AZ.  Cancer Prevention Grand Rounds.  “Lung Cancer Screening and Chemoprevention”.  February

ASPO Career Development Workshop, Tampa, FL. “Approaching applications for funding from multiple agencies”. March

Moffitt Cancer Center, Tampa, FL. Medical Grand Rounds. “Lung Cancer Screening & Chemoprevention at Roswell Park”.  March 13

University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, Pittsburgh, PA. “Lung Cancer Screening & Biomarkers”. April 28


Johns Hopkins University, MD, Welch Center for Prevention, Epidemiology and Clinical Research Grand Rounds. “Selenium and Cancer”.  March 19


Cancer Institute of New Jersey, Prevention Grand Rounds, “Selenium and Cancer”. May 

Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD “The Prevalence and Persistence of Premalignant Lung Lesions: Findings from a High-Risk Cohort”.  November 9


Symposium on Quality Health among Older Individuals:  What Should We Recommend? “Selenium and Cancer Prevention”, Nutrition and the Center for Healthy Aging, the Obesity Nutrition Research Center (ONRC) and the Department of Epidemiology at the University of Pittsburgh. May


Cancer Therapeutics Grand Rounds, “Selenium Supplementation & Vitamin E Status”. Roswell. February

Epidemiology Lecture Series, “Research Program in a High-Risk Lung Cancer Cohort”. Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, New York. September

University of Chicago, Chicago IL. “Lung Cancer Screening in High-Risk Cohort: the Roswell Park Experience 1998-2005”. October

Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, Buffalo NY. Cancer Therapeutics and Prevention Grand Rounds, “Calcitriol and Lung Cancer Prevention”. November


SELECT Trial Workshop for SWOG, “Reporting on the Nutritional Prevention of Cancer Trial”. San Diego, April

Cancer Therapeutics Grand Rounds, “Lung Cancer Prevention with Selenium Supplementation”. Roswell, May

Medical and Surgical Fellows Lecture Series, “Chemoprevention: From Mice to Men”. Roswell


Society for Epidemiologic Research (SER), “Biomarkers for Lung Cancer Chemoprevention”. June 21 Palm Springs, CA


ASPO, “Reports of toxicity on long-term supranutritional selenium supplementation: an analysis of a clinical trial”. March 11-13, New York, NY

AACR, “Lung Cancer and Selenium Supplementation”. March 24-28. New Orleans, LA


CPC Seminar Series, “Lung Cancer & Selenium Supplementation”. Arizona Cancer Center, September 20


CPC Seminar Series, “Smoking and Adenomatous Polyp Characteristics: A Case-Case Analysis”. Arizona Cancer Center, April 7



Immunotherapy, Havana Cuba. “The Role of Vaccines in Lung Cancer Prevention”. October 29-November 2


Institute for Molecular Immunology, Havana, Cuba. “Proposing CIMAvax in the Context of Lung Cancer Prevention”. March 28

Institute for Molecular Immunology, Havana, Cuba. “Update on the CIMAvax- Nivolumab Trial in the US”. July 20

Trilateral Meeting for Cuban Drug Development. Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario. “Using CIMAvax for Lung Cancer Prevention”. September 27

World Lung Cancer Conference, Yokahama, Japan. Plenary Session, “The Changing Epidemiology of Lung Cancer”.  October 16


Institute for Molecular Immunology, Havana, Cuba. NIMOMEETING 2016, Varadero, Cuba. “Combination of

Nimotuzumab & Nivolumab as second line therapy in patients of NSCLC. Roswell Park Study”. April 8


Institute for Molecular Immunology, Havana, Cuba. “Updates on Lung Cancer Epidemiology”. November 14


Institute for Molecular Immunology, Havana, Cuba. “Aerodigestive Cancer Surveillance”. October 23

Institute for Molecular Immunology, Havana, Cuba. “Updates on Lung Cancer Screening”. October 25


Amrita Supportive Head & Neck Oncology Meeting, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Kochi, India. “What is New in Oral Cancer Screening”. February 26th


Frontiers in Carcinogenesis and Cancer Prevention. Reliance Life Sciences Institute, Mumbai, India. Chairperson, Lung

Cancer Prevention Session. “Lung Cancer Prevention: Overview of the State of the Art”.  February 5-7

Second Niagara Lung Cancer Symposium 2010. Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, Canada. Program Co-Chair. “Choosing the Optimal Populations for Prevention: Defining Risk and Designing Trials”. September 10


Princess Margaret Hospital, University of Toronto, ON. “The Results of Screening High Risk Lung Cancer Patients with Multiple Modalities: the Roswell Park Experience”.  May 6

Selenium: A Multifaceted Element and the Thyroid; a Satellite Meeting of the European Thyroid Association. Hotel Grande Bretagne, Athens, Greece. “Selenium Levels and Cancer Protection: What We have Learned from NPC Studies”. September 19


International Association of Oral Oncology. “Autofluorescence Detection of Oral Malignancies”. Amsterdam, May

World Lung Cancer Conference, IASLC. “The Prevalence and Persistence of Premalignant Lung Lesions: Findings from a High-Risk Cohort”. Seoul, Korea. September 2


Trace Elements in Medicine and Animals, “Vitamin E and Selenium Supplementation: Results from a Clinical Trial”. Coleraine, Ireland, June


University of Surrey Biochemistry Department Lecture Series, “Selenium and Prostate Cancer Chemoprevention”. Guilford, UK, Guilford, UK, July

University of Leeds Epidemiology Guest Lecture Series, “Selenium & Cancer Prevention”. Leeds, UK, July


London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, “Results of a Clinical Trial of Wheat Bran Fiber”. April

Schrauzer Symposium, “Selenium and Cancer Prevention”. Baden-Baden, Germany. October

Clinical Trials

Featured on CancerTalk


  Full Publications list on PubMed

Reid ME, Duffield-Lillico AJ, Garland L, Turnbull BW, Clark LC, Marshall JR. (2002). Lung cancer incidence and selenium supplementation: an update of a clinical trial. CEBP, 11(11): 1285-1291. PMID: 12433704

Reid ME, Marshall JR, Roe D, Lebowitz M, Alberts DS, Battacharyya AK, Martinez ME. (2003). Smoking Exposure as a Risk Factor for Prevalent and Recurrent Colorectal Adenomas. CEBP, 12(10):1006-1011. PMID: 14578135

Evans R, Reid M, Segal B, Abrams SI, Lee K. (2018). Case Study in International Cooperation: Cuba’s Molecular Immunology Center and Roswell Park Cancer Institute. MEDICC Rev, 20(2):35-39. PMID: 29773775

Beane JE, Mazzilli SA, Campbell JD, Duclos G, Krysan K, Moy C, Perdomo C, Schaffer M, Liu G, Zhang S, Liu H, Vick J, Dhillon SS, Platero SJ, Dubinett SM, Stevenson C, Reid ME, Lenburg ME, Spira AE. (2019). Molecular subtyping reveals immune alterations associated with progression of bronchial premalignant lesions. Nat Commun, 10(1):1856. PMCID: PMC6478943

Flores T, Glaser KM, McDaniel D, Rokitka D, Amato KA, Reid ME**. (2019).  Building a comprehensive cancer survivorship program. Ecancermedicalscience, 13:992. PMCID: PMC6974369