Community-Based Physical Activity Intervention for Underserved Cancer Survivors

Study Number
Age Group

This clinical trial evaluates a community-based physical activity program for underserved cancer survivors. Cancer and its treatment significantly influence physical, psychosocial, and cognitive functioning. Historically, community sites (local and national) have not been staffed to offer support services such as physical, and occupational therapies (everyday life activities to promote health and well-being) or nutrition counselling, and do not offer a whole-person model of care. In this study, researchers have partnered with the YMCA to provide tailored home-based exercise programs for underserved cancer patients and survivors. Accessing exercise professionals may allow patients to prevent acute problems from becoming chronic, long-lasting physically weak impairments that directly influence patients' quality of life.

Full Title

Community-based physical activity across the cancer continuum

ClinicalTrials.Gov ID

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