Evaluating the Episodic Future Thinking Intervention for Reducing Cigarette Consumption in Cigarette Smokers

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Age Group

This clinical trial evaluates the effectiveness of active episodic future thinking (EFT) stimuli for reducing cigarette consumption in cigarette smokers. EFT is an innovative framing method shown to significantly activate brain regions involved in future thinking, planning, and other executive functions. Active EFT stimuli are positive events, unrelated to smoking, that participants anticipate, look forward to, and can vividly imagine happening up to 1 year in the future. Control EFT stimuli are positive past events, unrelated to smoking, that participants can vividly remember happening in the recent past. Active EFT stimuli may help reduce cigarette consumption among cigarette smokers by exposing them to personally relevant future oriented stimuli.

Full Title

Pilot Study of Episodic Future Thinking among Cigarette Smokers

ClinicalTrials.Gov ID

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