
What comes to mind when you think of fall? Probably cooling temperatures, changing leaves, Halloween, and of course, pumpkins!

Eggs are a powerhouse of nutrition in a handy little round package. These little guys are packed with many nutrients – they’re an excellent source of choline and selenium, and a good source of high-quality protein, vitamin D, vitamin B12, phosphorous and riboflavin.

It’s been an exceptionally hot summer. So it helps to have an easy, go-to treat to stay cool. Watermelon never disappoints. But with a little imagination – and minimal effort – you can take your melon to the next level.

Cancer treatment can affect appetite and digestion making it difficult to enjoy the foods you love. While you might not always feel like eating, it's important to do what you can to maintain your intake of calories, protein and fluids. Think of good nutrition as an essential part of your recovery and do what you can to make it a priority.