Pancreatic Cancer

“I have not cried ever since my diagnosis. I didn't even cry when the doctor told me that I had cancer or when I told Dennis or my kids,” Jane says. “But I'm going to cry when I ring that Victory Bell.”
“A new patient is usually very shell-shocked and sometimes that will last for the few first visits. We’re the support people."

There’s no question that pancreatic cancer is a challenging disease to treat. National statistics reveal several hard truths: Survival rates remain unacceptably poor.

"They said I wasn't a candidate for surgery, and that I needed three more months of chemo, which I couldn't tolerate. They made me feel like I wouldn’t live very long. When I asked what I should do, they told me I should call hospice." Then Romaine’s primary doctor sent her to Roswell Park for a second opinion.

“I wish I had known sooner that the persistent stomach pain I experienced prior to my diagnosis was a symptom of pancreatic cancer,” Alex Trebek told viewers.

Too many cases of pancreatic cancer are not discovered until the disease has already spread.

Pancreatic cancer is called a silent killer because it often grows or spreads undetected. And like many cancers, it presents few warning signs. What you need to know about your risk and possible warning signs.

On January 29, the Food and Drug Administration approved a lutetium Lu 177 dotatate (Lutathera®), a targeted radiation drug, for the treatment of gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors.

"Even among those cysts that are deemed pre-cancerous, very few of them end up becoming cancerous."
More than two years ago, when Dr. Bain told me I had pancreatic cancer, my first thought was that nothing can take my 81 years away from me. I’ve had a long, happy life and know what it’s like to overcome hardships and learn important lessons.

Pathologists are key partners of the medical team whose investigations and findings are essential to successful surgical and treatment plans for cancer patients.

There are many advantages to seeking treatment for pancreatic cancer at a National Cancer Institute-designated cancer center, where doctors specialize and are experienced in treating the disease. Pancreatic cancer specialists often take a coordinated approach to treatment, providing a team of medical professionals to develop a personalized care plan for each patient.