Oral Cancer

When it comes to canker sores, there are significant differences between them and the sores that are often associated with oral cancer that should be noted.
Leukoplakia can develop in several places, but most frequently, white spots appear on the cheek, on top of the tongue, or even underneath the tongue on the floor of your mouth.
Nick Morrison, Paul Dublino and David Peek were strangers when they were diagnosed with cancers.  But they quickly formed a bond, seeing each other five days a week for five weeks as they were each treated for an oral cancer.
One-Day Jaw Reconstruction is a revolutionary procedure that removes tumors or cancers of the jaws and fully rehabilitates the patient with a new jaw, dental implants and teeth all in one surgery.

April is Oral, Head & Neck Cancer Awareness Month—the perfect time to learn more about your risk factors. Unlike a mammogram, a PSA test, or other routine cancer screenings, oral cancer screening is something most people don’t think to ask about at the doctor’s office.

Everyone has experienced times when their breath is not exactly fresh: waking up in the morning, after drinking coffee, and post-consumption of pungent foods. Mouthwash commercials present it as a normal human condition. But can persistent bad breath, called halitosis, be a sign of something more serious?

He won’t admit it, but Philip McCarthy, MD, is in the business of saving lives. He gives his patients hope; he gives families hope. He’s a world-renowned physician who has dedicated his career, his passion and his life to providing advanced stem cell transplants to hematological cancer patients.

As a Stage IV oral cancer survivor, I am very passionate about spreading awareness. Oral, head and neck cancers are profoundly different than other cancers in that they limit one’s ability to swallow, eat and talk.

There was a point in my journey when I said, “That’s it; I give up.” This cancer is so different from others, and I felt that no one knew what I was going through – emotionally, physically or spiritually. I looked different and I couldn’t eat. The feeding tube was one of the hardest parts for me.

Oral health is a crucial component of cancer care. About 40 percent of patients develop complications that affect the mouth. Head and neck radiation, chemotherapy, and blood and marrow transplantation can cause issues ranging from dry mouth to life-threatening infections. These problems interfere with cancer treatment and affect quality of life.

This month, recognized as Oral Cancer Awareness Month, take a few minutes to understand how your sex life may affect your risk of oral cancer.