Please first consult FOM for sorter availability, then submit this form indicating what date you would like to sort. You will receive a response from the operators shortly.
Please note:
- A valid grant number (Roswell Park) or PO number (all non-Roswell Park) as it appears in FOM is required . If you are not in FOM yet, please establish an account before submitting this request.
- Cancellation policy: Appointments can only be cancelled free of charge at least 1 week in advance. Appointments cancelled within 7-3 days may be charged for 50% of the reserved time. Appointments cancelled within 48 hours of the scheduled time will be charged 80% of the reserved time. “No shows” will be charged for 80% of the reserved time plus the 1-hour set up fee.
- Remember: typical sorter speed is 10-15 million cells/hour. Use this number to estimate the duration of the sort. For new experiments, experiment set-up time can add 30-60 minutes. Long sorts outside of business hours (9am – 6pm) can often be accommodated, but will have to be prearranged with the operators.
- If this specific sort has not been performed before by us, you will be asked to also submit the Sort Information Form. This form is used to set up the instrument properly for your sort and to guide the operator towards proper safety precautions. If this information is not submitted by 24h before the sort, there may be additional charges due to set-up time during your appointment.
Instrument configurations:
Aria 1 – 2 violet; 2 blue; 5 yellow-green; 3 red – Biobubble containment for BSL2+ level samples.
Aria 2 – 3 violet; 5 blue; 3 red; 2 UV.
Orla Maguire -
Xiaojun Liu - 716-845-1745,