Dale Henry, MBA

Chief Scientific Operations Officer, Executive Office


I have more than 25 years of combined clinical, research, and administrative management experience in cancer research and healthcare initiatives. I started my career in healthcare as a clinical laboratory technician, where I learned that I had a passion for cancer research.

After a continuation of my education, I became a research laboratory manager and served institutes such as the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center and the University of Pittsburgh Hillman Cancer Center before coming to Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center to manage a lab directly related in translational cancer research. I received my executive MBA degree at the University at Buffalo in 2007 and moved into a science related administration role. I have been directly involved in 2 CCSG competitive grant submissions at Roswell Park, where I served in an administrative capacity.

From 2009 to 2013, I served as the Shared Resource Administrator at Roswell Park and, in 2013, I was promoted to Associate Director of Administration (ADA) for the CCSG and Chief Scientific Operation Officer (CSOO). In my role as ADA and CSOO, I work closely with the Deputy Director on many research advancement and improvement endeavors. Currently, my primary focus is on capital expenditures, new faculty recruitment, research funding management, and leading the cancer centers’ research space committee. I am an active member of Roswell Park’s IT governance committees, including the executive oversight committee to ensure scientific IT needs are met.


Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center

  • Chief Scientific Operations Officer, Executive Office
  • CCSG Associate Director of Administration, Research Support Services


Education and Training

  • 2007 - MBA - State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY
  • 1997 - BA - Biology, Florida Southern College, Lakeland, FL

Professional Memberships

  • Cancer Center Administrators Forum (CCAF)


  Full Publications list on PubMed

Henry DO, Moskalenko SA, Kaur KJ, Fu M, Pestell RG, Comonis JH, White MA. Ral GTPases contribute to regulation of cyclin D1 through activation of NF-kappaβ. Mol Cell Biol; 2000 Nov;20(21):8084-92. PMCID: PMC86418

Person G, Bumeister R, Henry D, Cobb MH, White MA. Uncoupling Raf1 from MEK1/2 impairs only a subset of cellular responses to Raf activation. J Biol Chem. 2000 Dec 1;275(48):37303-6. PMID: 11018021.

Moskalenko SA, Henry DO, Rosse C, Mirey G, Camonis JH, White MA. The exocyst is a Ral effector complex. Nat Cell Biol; 2002 Jan;4(1):66-72. PMID:11740492

Chen SC, Henry DO, Reczek PR, Wong MK. Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 inhibits prostate tumor growth through endothelial apoptosis. Mol Cancer Ther; 2008 May; 7(5):1227-36. PMID: 18483310

Chen SC, Henry DO, Hicks DG, Reczed PR, Wong MK. Intravesical administration of plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1 inhibits in vivo bladder tumor invasion and progression. J Urol; 2009 Jan;181(1):336-42. PMID: 19010488