A new postdoctoral position for a highly motivated individual is open at Roswell Park Cancer Center in the Center for Immunotherapy.
Description of Duties:
Our laboratory studies and develops adoptive T cell therapies targeting solid tumors. The postdoctoral scientist will focus on developing genetically engineered T cells starting from the molecular cloning phase of cell therapy development, and then advancing to preclinical in vitro work and clinically relevant mouse models. A strong background in immunology and molecular biology will allow the successful applicant to be creative within the lab, enhancing T cell function and tumor targeting for optimal patient translation and high impact publication. The postdoctoral scientists will work within the Center for Immunotherapy, which holds multiple institutional level grants and houses multiple investigators – including immunologists, molecular biologists, and computational biologists - dedicated to developing immunetherapies. Strong support for career development and academic and educational activities are included.
Requirements are a Ph.D. or M.D. with background in Immunology or Molecular Biology. Applicants with experience in immune assays, FACS, cell culture, mouse experiments, cell transfections, PCR, and cloning and subcloning into vector constructs are preferred. An enthusiasm for research investigation and strong work ethic are necessary.
Interested candidates should provide a CV highlighting previous research work, a brief (<1 page) personal statement, and 3 references. Inquiries and applications should be sent to Leonid Cherkassky, MD at Leonid.Cherkassky@RoswellPark.org.
Applications may also be sent to Leonid Cherkassky, MD, Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, Elm & Carlton Streets, CSC P-641, Buffalo NY 14203.