Navigating the virtual/hybrid landscape: Embracing new etiquette

Online meeting

As we shifted our operations into a virtual/hybrid environment since March 2020, one of the areas we focused on was redefining meeting etiquette to fit the new reality. We wanted to share how we handled this transition at the Department of Indigenous Cancer Health.

The important thing we learned? Meetings do not have to feel awkward or stiff just because they are online. In fact, they can be collaborative, friendly spaces where we all feel heard and valued.

Let us talk about how to wrap up these virtual meetups in a way that keeps everyone feeling good and in the loop. Here are some tips to avoid that awkward end of a virtual meeting:

  1. Provide opportunities for further questions: "Thank you for coming today. I will just spend additional time here on Zoom for a minute if anyone has any questions for me!"
  2. Be available for support: "Thank you, we will be around if you need anything!"
  3. Respect everyone's time: "Alright, I will let you have the rest of your evening. I will follow up with you on more specific items."
  4. Wrap up and indicate the next steps: "I feel like those are all the items on our end. (Lists follow up items.) Is there anything else we want to cover today? I will just stand by and keep an eye on my email and follow up on the questions that are being asked. (List action steps)"
  5. Emphasize the importance of reconnecting: "This was so helpful to connect and have these conversations. We can add some of these ideas to the agenda for the next meeting."
  6. Be open for more discussion: "I think these were the main highlights that we wanted to connect on, unless there are other items we need to discuss?"
  7. Wrap up with well wishes: "I think that’s it for us right now, I hope you all have a good weekend."

Remember, even though we are all dots on a screen, we are still people. The virtual world is just another place where we can come together, have meaningful conversations, and continue to collaborate on work from remote locations.

Stay connected and take care!