Man and a woman sit at a table with a 3D model of a brain

Research Participants Needed

Your help can advance scientific knowledge. Participants are essential to our research. 

New discoveries help millions of people live happier, healthier, more productive lives. Your participation can benefit society, future generations – and maybe help you too. Research participants sometimes also have access to new treatments and technologies that aren’t widely available.

Biobehavioral Health and Recovery Laboratory

Led by Dr. Christine Sheffer, a Clinical Psychologist and Professor in the Department of Health Behavior, the Biobehavioral Health and Recovery Laboratory conducts research studies focused on behaviors that affect health and well-being, like tobacco use, cigarette smoking, vaping, cannabis use, and physical activity. We work with people from many walks of life, and people inside and outside our community.

Learn more by following the link below, or contact us at 716-845-5974 or

Participation Inquiry Form