Sean Glenn

Molecular Pathology


Sean Glenn, PhD.
Vice Chair, Molecular Pathology
Director, Genomics Shared Resource

The Molecular Pathology Division provides Roswell Park physicians with state-of-the-art molecular testing and results for the accurate diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of our patients.

In our CLIA-certified laboratory, we utilize leading-edge genomic technologies to rigorously interrogate and identify key molecular signatures in solid and hematological malignancies and provide a comprehensive molecular portfolio to support Roswell Park clinicians. In addition, we:

  • Develop and integrate novel genomic technologies and initiatives to reduce turnaround time of report-to-result testing.
  • Develop and support biomarker driven clinical trials and correlative science studies to further understand the molecular mechanisms that drive cancer.

Genomics Shared Resource

The Molecular Pathology program encompasses Roswell Park’s Genomics Shared Resource, responsible for providing the same leading-edge genomic technologies in the clinical setting to physicians and researchers in basic and translational science initiatives that advance our understanding of cancer.

Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center currently supports 20 scientific shared resources that provide our investigators with access to a broad range of sophisticated scientific instrumentation, cutting-edge technical and analytical applications, comprehensive sample biorepositories and more.

Our shared resources perform a highly valuable role in facilitating basic, clinical and translational scientific research at Roswell Park and are critical elements in accelerating the progress of our researchers and allowing them to successfully compete for peer-reviewed grant funding in n increasingly competitive scientific funding environment.

Genomics Shared Resource