Survivorship Program Broadens Services

There are 128,000 cancer survivors in Western New York and many of these individuals must continue their surveillance after they have received a clean bill of health. The aggressive goals of the Roswell Park Survivorship Program are to maximize the level of health and wellness for every survivor and their caregiver, to improve their quality of life, and to provide an individualized care plan that provides a map of the future to be followed by the patient and their primary care physician. The program is led by Mary Reid, PhD, director of Cancer Screening and Survivorship, and supported by Tessa Flores, MD (adults); Denise Rokitka, MD (pediatrics and young adults); Martin Mahoney, MD (pediatric survivors age 35+); and Karen Larkin, NP (adult).

It should not come as a surprise that many survivors experience moments of anxiety, especially when diagnostic procedures are ordered. For this reason, Roswell Park provides psychology support for those moments often identified as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Our patients cannot assume that since they have been treated with one cancer, that they are immune from another type of cancer. For this reason, we insist that survivors maintain a screening schedule for prostate, breast, colon, cervical and other types of cancer.

It is imperative that cancer survivors between 18 and 39 years of age are monitored throughout their lives. Through the Young Adult Program at Roswell Park, our young adult patients and survivors can avail themselves of many additional resources created just for them.

Clinical research being conducted at Roswell Park for survivors includes exercise and breast cancer, problem-solving skills training for colon cancer survivors, sleep intervention, hyperthermia and depression and others.

For more information on the co-management of your patient with a history of cancer

  • Establish a communication link with Roswell Park’s Survivorship Program by calling Martin Mahoney, MD Dr. Reid at (716) 845-7763.
  • Utilize the survivorship care plan and the clinic note that provide recommendations for shared monitoring of possible long-term complications from treatment.
  • If abnormalities appear on physician exam, work with the Roswell Park survivorship team to coordinate evaluation and management.