Nicholas Salgia
Nicholas Salgia
Nick is an MD, PhD student in our lab through the University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences. He received his BS in neuroscience from The Ohio State University and subsequently trained as a research associate in genitourinary oncology under Dr. Sumanta Pal at City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center. Nick is interested in improving the lives of patients with kidney cancer from both a clinical and scientific perspective and he leads our lab’s bioinformatic investigations.

Gavin Twoey
Gavin Twoey
Gavin completed a bachelor’s degree in Biochemistry at the University at Buffalo and continued to pursue a PhD through the Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences. Gavin joined the Muhitch lab in collaboration with Dr. Blaine Pfeifer with a keen interest in biological engineering to develop innovative therapies for cancer, aiming to bring relief to patients.

Wilhelm Aubrecht
Wilhelm Aubrecht
Wilhelm Aubrecht received his bachelors in Biometry and Statistics from Cornell University and is currently working as a Research Apprentice before beginning at the University at Buffalo to pursue an MD through the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences.

Lab alumni

Brianna Wasik
Laboratory Technician
Current status: Le Moyne Physician Assistant Program

Connect with the Muhitch Lab


Department of Immunology
Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center 
Elm and Carlton Streets 
Buffalo, NY 14263