Breast Cancer

You may have heard about a technology called 3D mammography. We get quite a few questions about it from patients in our Breast Center. It’s important to understand what 3D mammography is used for and who will benefit most from the technology.

Annette Hill got wonderful news in early May of 2014 when she learned she was pregnant. But toward the end of the month, after discovering a lump in her breast and pointing it out to her doctor, she got hit with a very different kind of news: she also had stage III breast cancer.

Radioactive seed localization is an innovative procedure that is used to help your surgeon localize cancers and other breast abnormalities which are too small to feel.

“How did I feel after learning I had breast cancer? A feeling of loneliness,” said Maria Torres, a resident of Buffalo, New York and breast and cervical cancer survivor.

At Roswell Park, we are specialists in cancer detection, diagnosis and treatment, and applying our capabilities to breast cancer screening is an important part of our mission.

The incidence of breast cancer increases with age and is highest among white women. However, African-American women are more likely to die from breast cancer than any other group.

A large collaborative study provided new, stronger evidence that women can reduce their risk of aggressive forms of breast cancer by breastfeeding their babies.
For women whose breast cancer treatment includes a mastectomy, surgical breast reconstruction can be key to not just their physical recovery, but emotional health as well.
Did you know becoming a mother can affect your risk of breast cancer, too?

Many dietary studies have been done showing the connection between nutrition and cancer.

In July of 2011, I discovered a lump in my breast.

Lymphedema is an abnormal accumulation of protein-rich lymph fluid that typically occurs in the arm or leg, often the result of cancer treatments.