Your $1 donation turns into $23 in cancer research funding

Roswell Park employee works in a lab.

Roswell Park has some of the best and brightest scientists and clinicians who have come from around the world to Buffalo, New York, to dedicate their life to studying and treating cancer. Donations drive breakthrough cancer discoveries and bring new treatments to fruition. 

For every dollar donated to cancer research, Roswell Park leverages an additional $23 from external grants toward that research. This is thanks to the support of our donors and the dedication of Roswell Park researchers. 

How Cancer Research Funding Works 

Cancer research requires a lot of work, resources and investment. With the great wealth of talent among Roswell Park’s researchers and scientists, there are a lot of promising ideas brewing. Many of these discoveries are only able to move forward with the support of donations. 

Each year, Roswell Park scientists apply and compete for grants from the Roswell Park Alliance Foundation through the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC). The SAC process is led by Drs. Mukund Seshadri and Kirsten Moysich, who select an internal objective group of peers to sit on the committee based on expertise and areas of research. Reviewers are asked to thoroughly evaluate and consider the scientific promise of each application. The most promising grant applications are awarded with donor-raised funds to allow scientists to continue their cancer research. 

This seed funding is used for researchers to obtain primary research data and, in turn, apply for larger national grants. The initiatives that receive support often lead to long-term funding from national organizations and new treatments.

“Little drops make a mighty ocean, so I tell that to anybody who’s thinking there’s a certain dollar amount you need to give in order to make a difference,” Dr. Seshadri said. “Every dollar counts. These funds coming from the community have been critical in funding over 250 grant applications to date at Roswell Park.” 

Since 2011, the Roswell Park Alliance Foundation has awarded over $16 million to researchers through the Scientific Advisory Committee through 245 grants to 146 scientists. 

These grants have led to the publication of 167 papers, the start of at least 20 clinical trials based on homegrown science at Roswell Park and the investment of over $96 million in external grant funding.