Breast Cancer

What do you do when — after planning your life and working hard to achieve your dreams — your plans are interrupted by cancer?

“My first thought was that the news wasn’t real. I remember thinking there was no way I could have cancer. It doesn’t run in my family and everyone told me I’m too young,” says Racine.

Ambrosone and her team discovered something astonishing: African-American women who breastfed their babies did not have an increased risk of ER-negative breast cancer.

Many different kinds of psychological interventions can help cancer patients deal with the physical and emotional symptoms of cancer and its treatment. One type of intervention that has shown great promise is mindfulness, and a mindfulness study is now open at Roswell Park for patients with advanced breast cancer.

Endocrine therapy can be as important to your breast cancer treatment as chemotherapy. If you’re struggling to take your hormonal therapy as prescribed, we want to help address the issues that are making compliance difficult.

The fact that you live in a particular country or community should not impact your ability to get good care for cancer.

On a mammogram, fat looks dark grey or black whereas breast tissue looks white. That white area can be an issue because many small breast cancers also appear as white, so it’s harder to detect them in dense breasts.

Metastatic breast cancer is the most advanced stage of breast cancer, known as stage IV breast cancer. It occurs when the cancer develops the ability to spread to other organs in the body – most commonly the liver, lung, bone, soft tissues or brain. Even though the cancer involves other organs, it’s still treated as breast cancer.

Four weeks after her 33rd birthday, Crystal found a lump in her breast. When she told a good friend and co-worker — whose mother happened to be in treatment for metastatic breast cancer — the friend told her, “Don’t mess around.”

Let’s face it: no cancer is a good cancer. But if you do get cancer, being diagnosed at Stage 0 might be considered a best-case scenario.

Despite their importance, there are all sorts of misconceptions and misinformation regarding mammograms that make it difficult to know when's the right time to schedule your screening.

I am happy to be back in my hometown working with breast cancer patients in the community. I love my job because of the amazing people I encounter every day. I am constantly inspired by their strength and courage.